New MTV Show Accidentally Breaks Down Gender Roles

I was pleasantly surprised the other day when I stumbled upon this new MTV show called Friendzone. It's a show in which one person asks out their best friend in an attempt to move beyond the friend zone. Sounds pretty normal, right? Except, what I love is that a lot of the people asking out their best friends are women. She is the one making the first move, and setting up this whole romantic date for him.

I think out of all the gender roles we're suppose to follow, the one that has always driven me the most crazy, is the one in which I as the woman am never suppose to make the first move on a guy. I'm suppose to idly wait by until some man decides we should date. The problem with this, besides being really annoying, is that most of the guys who are aggressive towards women are also the alpha type males who tend to think that women are their property and think its okay to abuse us. The "nice" guys tend to be more shy and stay in the background, and its unlikely they'll make the first move. These are the men that not only every women should be dating, but are the men that we all WANT to date. The problem is is that because they're shy we sometimes don't even notice them, and are so bombarded by the aggressive type men who are just relentless that we end up giving in and dating those guys. I think we also tend to think that those other men don't even exist, because its easy for them to be overlooked.

However, if women start becoming the more aggressive of the two and start going after the guys that we want to date, it will solve a lot of these problems, because we will naturally gravitate towards the shy guys who tend to make wonderful boyfriends and husbands.

I, not being one to adhere to any rules, have made the first move multiple times in my life. I also am always attracted to the somewhat awkward, shy, dorky guys who are usually terrified of me, so it became really clear that I would have to chase after them. Something that I have no problems with ;)

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