In Nepal, the Kamalari system of bonded labor sees girls as young as six working as maids in wealthy homes. Often far from home, the girls are isolated and vulnerable to physical violence and sexual abuse.

Meet Urmila, an ex-Kamalari girl who was forced to work as a domestic servant for 12 years. Urmila now serves as President of the Kamalari Girls' Forum, a Plan-supported group that helps to raise awareness and rescue girls trapped in Nepal's Kamalari system of bonded labor.

It's always so inspirational how much one woman, just one standing in her power can change everything. I love how she talks about wanting freedom for all the Kamalari girls. My dream is for every woman and girl on this planet to have freedom and live a life of equality that is free from abuse and gender based violence.

In other girl news The United Nations has announced that they will have an official Day of the Girl in which issues facing girls will be addressed. The article below speaks about these issues, and I think these few parts say it all:

"In the last half century alone, more women and girls have died as a result of gender discrimination than all the men who died in all the battles of the 20th century, and more girls were killed in any one decade than all of those who died in the genocides of last century.

Did you know that over 10 times as many girls are currently being trafficked each year than African slaves were transported during the height of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade?"

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