My favorite part about the above poster is that it's basically like: You can call me whatever you want, because one of these days you are going to wake up and look down and you will no longer have a penis. Then you are going to look up and see me standing there holding your freshly severed penis in one hand, and a pair of scissors in the other. Then I'm just going to laugh and laugh and laugh, and look at you and shrug my shoulders and say "well, you should've been nice to me."

Lately, there's been a lot of women reclaiming the use of the word slut. It's a word that has become synonymous with being a woman or a girl, and it's largely used to inflict shame upon us for being women and girls. Slutwalk is a great example of women saying that this word, or any word doesn't change the fact that I am important, I am beautiful, I am intelligent, I am powerful and I deserve to be respected. I deserve to have rights, and I am the only person who has ownership of my body and my sexuality. No matter what you try to throw at me, it will never change the fact that as a woman I am infinitely more powerful than you, and always will be. There is nothing that you can do to ever take that away from me or to change that.

Another example of this is a group of women who started a website called Rock the Slut Vote. The idea of the website is all about getting women registered to vote and helping to continue the fight in the war against women. The whole idea is to say that no matter what you throw at me, I as a woman will always overcome it, and any sort of sexual shaming/misogyny will not stop me from using my voice.

*I guess since I just wrote about not stealing from other artists it's probably a good time to mention that I don't always write down the name of an artist when I use their image on my blog. It's not that I don't want to, it's almost always because after much searching I can't find their name. However, if anyone ever knows the name of any of these artists and lets me know I will gladly give them all the credit that I can. In this case the artists name and website is right under the picture.

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