When I was watching The Voice a few weeks ago I was reminded of why Christina Aquilera is a great role model for women. One of the contestants decided to sing this song by Jay Z in which the main lyric is: "I got 99 problems but the bitch ain't one". I was sitting there watching it feeling horrified, and I was so happy that Christina stood up to him and to Adam Levine and told them how degrading that is to women especially when you considered that the contestants wife and child were in the audience watching. Of course they responded the way men always do when you call them out on misogyny by denying that the song was about women (you really think we believe that?) and than saying that it wasn't offensive. Yes because misogyny isn't offensive to men, just women, and women are not important. The male population should be beyond ashamed and embarassed with yourselves and the way you guys choose to act. Women gave you this gift of life and you treat us like shit.

Luckily, Christina than pointed this out by repeating over and over again how her contestant was a Real man because he respects women and this is how men SHOULD act. Overall, I feel really bad for that man's wife, imagine how he treats her. The whole song was basically like "you as my wife have stood by my side, and I think you're nothing". It's always upsetting when you as a woman realize that the man in your life doesn't actually think of you as his equal, usually it's something that becomes very apparent later on in the relationship. Sometimes it can be a subtle comment that indicates how he feels, and whether he is a friend or a lover, it's always devastating.

I decided there was no need to show the degrading clip again, so instead I put up the clip of Christina talking about how amazing her contestant is because he respects women.

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