There is one maternal death every minute. For every woman who dies in childbirth, there are at least 10 who suffer significant injuries or are disabled.

‎"Most of the women who have died in childbirth could be alive today if they had access to basic maternal health services. We need to look this issue in the eye and see that women are not dying because of untreatable diseases. They are dying because women and girls have yet to be valued as lives worth saving. We named our organization Every Mother Counts. It's really that every woman and girl counts." Christy Turlington

(I've read that a woman dies every 30 seconds in childbirth and I've also read its every 90 seconds. I imagine that the reason for the discrepancy is because there has been A LOT of work done by a variety of organizations to address the issue of maternal mortality especially in the last few years. All of which has been really successful, so I think maybe the data might not be quite up to where we are currently at regarding this issue. However, I could care less if a woman dies every 30 seconds or every 90 seconds, because either way its a HUGE FUCKING PROBLEM.)

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