When my friend told me the other day that I would soon have a man in my life who "really gets me" it definitely stuck with me, and then I remembered that there was this video that I used to watch all the time like 2 or 3 years ago, and it was a video that this woman made to help manifest her soulmate. I used to watch it all the time, because I was like this is exactly what I would like to have, and plus the video is super random and it seems like something that I would create.

I went back and watched it and I was surprised to see that a lot of the images in the video have been showing up in my life recently. Spirit always listens, and will give you messages in response to what you request, even if it takes years. The reason that the starseed community is here, is because we were asked to be here by you guys. Everything that every human has prayed for has been heard and recorded and I always say that it's like a little kid with his christmas wish list, because we definitely have these long lists of all the things that people have asked for. By that mean I mean things like world peace, to end hunger, poverty, etc. Which is why we're having this whole Ascension process, because spirit cannot intervene unless you directly ask for help seeing that you have free-will, but if you ask for it, spirit or us starseeds can then help you guys :)

In my case spirit is now helping me find a lover. This link below is from Abraham Hicks on Creating a Lover. The woman asking the question sounds a lot like me, and how I was feeling about finding a man who is a match to me. The best way for us as woman to find a good match to us is through spending our time healing, and through speaking our truths as women, and standing in our power.


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