Before I was killed in my last life I did something that a lot of people would think is impossible. I don't think there was anyone who believed in me. Since my birthday, I've been finding myself back in that place. I'm not sure if anyone believes in me this time around either. However, it doesn't change the fact that I believe in myself, and there isn't anyone who can take that away from me. I happen to be lucky in the sense that I am part of a small group of remarkable women on this planet who have single handedly taken down the entire patriarchy. Maybe that isn't clear to people yet that the patriarchy is over, but it will be. On an energetic level everything has been put back into place, and that means it's only a matter of time before that enters into the third dimensional world as well. Someday people will look back on this and wonder how we did the impossible.

This post is all about that. I want to inspire every woman and girl on this planet to go for the impossible. The clip above is from the X Factor and is of a very talented diverse group of young women who are going after their dreams of the impossible. I think they are great role models for girls everywhere. If you like this song and want some more inspiration about not letting anyone tear you down check out their version of the song Skyscraper under their other name 1432.


To leave you with some more inspiration, here's the story of Olivia Manning a girl from England who has a higher IQ than Einstein! It's interesting that just in the last year women have started to score higher on these tests than men. I bet you anything that has a lot to do with us just being more confident, and knowing that we are intelligent and important. I also think it has to do with the changing energies, because this new energy supports women and girls and works in our favor, versus before where the energy worked in the favor of men and boys. Now girls, go out and do something remarkable!

"Olivia Manning, a 12-year-old girl from Liverpool, England, has recently been accepted into Mensa as a result of scoring a 162 on an IQ test. Her score puts her in the top one percent intelligence-wise, as well as two points higher than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

It was just this year that, after 100 years of placing second, women as a whole have scored higher than men on intelligence testing. The reason for this is unclear. Hypotheses include women finally having comparable opportunities in education to men’s or the demand for women to juggle both family and career. "


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