The male population has done an excellent job of making it seem like they are somehow the actual victims of the patriarchy and I'm here to tell you that there is not a man on this planet who is the victim of anything other than his own male privilege. Now this might be hard for all 3.5 billion of you to understand, especially since you've had the luxury of being able to victimize the very people who gave you this gift of life only to then blame them whenever they are the victims of your own violence and abuse. You've taken away their voices, and denied them a platform to speak their truths, making you all the more into the very cowards that you all are. You run the entire media and government everywhere in the world, and you use those tools to further your own agenda of misogyny and hate. Given that women have little to no access to any of these tools, and have been forbidden to speak under the Patriarchy except in rare cases when she is in fact reinforcing the Patriarchy, it's been very easy for all of you to blame us for your own digressions. By far the worst thing the male population has done to the female population on this planet is to use them to recycle their own karma. Yes ladies, each and every one of you has been recycling their evils, which is why they are never held responsible for choosing to commit abuse against us, but rather we as the victims are further punished for being victims.

Now I'm sure every man reading this is going to immediately come up with the one and only time he had something moderately bad happen to him to try to make me feel sorry for him, or convince me that being handed everything throughout his entire life has made him into a victim. That we as women should cry over how hard it must be for all of you to be given everything at the expense of us, none of which any of you have earned nor do you deserve, and apparently wasn't enough to make any of you happy. Whose fault is that?

The Patriarchy was a temporary gift given to the male population. It was given to them with this idea that they would in fact be responsible enough human beings to not use it to hurt anyone. This planet is a female planet, that's why it's called Mother Earth, and the only way men would ever be able to be in charge of it would be if they were purposely handed over the reigns to this planet. A decision prior to the start of the Patriarchy was made to allow them to have that experience. However, it's important to note that at that time the male population was a highly advanced group of individuals who would never hurt anyone. If those men had been in charge of the Patriarchy like what was originally intended to happen, there definitely wouldn't have been any violence, and it probably would've been a really great experience for everyone. But that's not what happened.

I'm here to remind all of you that the majority of men on this planet are descendants of an evil brutal line of killers who killed all the nice men in order to take complete and total control of this planet from the very people who were handed the reigns of power. These same destructive men then began to pass on their corrupted genetics so that they could continue to create men exactly like themselves. Who are these men? They are psychopathic demons who are completely incapable of feeling any sort of real emotions. None of them have souls, some do have an essence which could be mistaken for a soul, but it's not a soul rather just a clump of dark energy inhabiting their body. The only emotions they can feel are those of their victims which they thoroughly enjoy feeding off of and they use that energy of their victims to keep them alive. They have to do this, because they chose to be separate from source, and source is the only real place to get life force energy. Think of how a vampire feeds off of blood in order to sustain him. While they can't actually feel emotions for themselves, they are capable of emulating emotions, which can sometimes confuse people and make them think that those men are sad or hurt or in pain, when in fact there is nothing other than evil/emptiness inside of them. I can't even begin to describe how much pleasure those men have gotten out of watching women and girls suffer.

The only men who are even capable of feeling any sort of empathy are those men of starseed descent or the other smaller groups of men who are descendants of non-alien higher dimensional light beings, like Angels in human bodies. These men make up a very small percentage of their entire gender, and we can always identify them, because they tend to NOT be the problem, nor are they misogynistic, nor are they walking around claiming they are victims of anything. Despite the fact that these men have been targets by the rest of their gender for trying to help the female population and for speaking out against all the evil brutal men, they would probably use a lot of words to describe themselves other than victim, maybe warrior for one. But would never use that word because they understand this much larger misogynistic game being played out by all these demons in male bodies. They also have enough awareness to realize that women, girls, animals, Mother Earth have all suffered tremendously at the hands of the male population under the patriarchy making it impossible for men to be both the victim and the victimizer.

With that being said on an energetic level the entire planet was placed into the hands of the male population, and they accepted it knowing full well that if they broke any universal laws they would eventually have to pay for it. On a karmic level all of the evils that were created under their rule falls back onto them. They were able to stop all of this at any point, or better yet not create it in the first place, but that is not what they as a collective chose to do. The direction that the collective takes is determined by the majority members of the group. In this case it would be based on what 70% or more of men wanted, and they wanted the planet we currently got. Of course there are individual men who wanted something different, but they were outnumbered by the rest of their gender. The majority members of the collective chose everyday to continue on this same path, and ultimately they will be held responsible for all damages they've created.

Don't worry everyone there will be a part 2, 3, 4 however many I need of this blog post in order to fully address this issue. Because I think before we can even tackle why the male population is the way they are we need a better understanding of who they are and where their consciousness is coming from. As well as what is being held within their DNA and the very structures they are composed of. I think this is so important, because the male population has done an excellent job of convincing everyone that they do not in fact have any sort of free-will and therefore can't be held responsible for their actions. But when you start to understand their background, you start to understand why they abuse us and than make it seem like they're the victims of it, well of course they're going to do that they are psychopathic demons!!

These are the topics that will be addressed in the next blog posts under this topic of The Only Thing Men Are Victims Of Is Their Own Male Privilege:

-This history of the planet why and how the female population has been able to avoid becoming like the male population (in rare cases these demons do inhabit female bodies but it's not common for a variety of reasons.) As well as the new men here to replace the current patriarchal men.
-Examples of how this plays out in our current society/ How we as women can recognize this so it no longer has power over us
-Why their male privilege is going to cost most of them their lives in terms of the Ascension process/What happens to them when they FINALLY leave this planet

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