Girls are definitely taking over the world!!! Everything from the U.N. to MENSA is going to be run entirely by girls very shortly, and I've complied a couple of these super extraordinary young women who inspire me. The first girl is Malala Yousafzai, whom I've talked about before here. She's a girl's rights activist from Pakistan, who made international headlines after she was shot in the head by the Taliban for her activism. She decided to celebrate her 16th birthday by giving a speech at the U.N. on the importance of worldwide education for children. She is definitely a very powerful speaker. I also LOVE that she is wearing pink!!

Science and math tend to be fields that girls usually don't feel comfortable pursuing, so having girls to look up to in those areas is so important. The young girl in the graphic on the left is doing just that.

In case you're wondering what the website A mighty Girl is it's actually something really cool that I would recommend checking out.

"A Mighty Girl is the world's largest collection of books, toys, movies, and music for parents, teachers, and others dedicated to raising smart, confident, and courageous girls, and of course, for girls themselves!

Girls do not have to be relegated to the role of sidekick or damsel in distress; they can be the leaders, the heroes, the champions that save the day, find the cure, and go on the adventure. It is our hope that these high quality children's products will help a new generation of girls to grow and pursue whatever dreams they choose--to truly be Mighty Girls!"

The last girl who runs the world, is a cute little four-year old girl from this country who is so incredibly smart and awesome that she's been invited to join MENSA! You're never too young to change the world!

"Her genius has not gone unnoticed, and has led to an invitation to join MENSA, an international organization for the 'super-smart.' MENSA, which is mostly populated by adults, usually claims members with intelligence in the top 2% of the populace. Anala, who can identify planets and dinosaurs, is in the top 1%."

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