My first kiss went a little like this...

When I was 13 I watched a show on television about celebrities talking about their first kiss, most seemed to be around the age of 11 at the time, and it made me realize how far behind I was on this whole boy thing. I mean after all some of the girls at our school were already giving blow jobs, it was time to get on top of this. So I did what any normal 13 year old girl living in the 90s would do, I got onto aol and began to meet people.

Now this may seem shocking or like a bad idea. It was probably both, but given that it was right after Al Gore had invented the internet, but before the predators had figured out how to use it, it was for the most part other 13 year olds in the chat rooms talking to each other about 'n sync. At some point I met someone named Chris. I began to talk to him on the phone which was interesting. Chris claimed that he looked like Justin Timberlake who was my dream guy at the time, I would later find out that upon meeting him he actually had nothing in common with JT other than the fact that they were both white boys who talked black.

I told my friend about my new online boyfriend and she decided that we should have our first date at a waterpark, which sounded like a great idea to me. We also decided the best way to do this was to tell him nothing about the way I looked so we could scan the park to see if anyone who looked like JT showed up, and if they didn't we would just hang out there and have fun until our parents picked us up.

I told him to meet me at the entrance of the park at a certain time, when we didn't see him or at least when we didn't see anyone who looks like justin, we figured he didn't show up. At some point though he called my house and my mom gave him a very accurate description of what I was wearing, which later upset my friends mom when she found out about our scheme seeing that he could've been a stalker. So at some point throughout all of this he finds us. He was about 15 or 16, not unattractive but definitely not rockstar status, he was blonde and had blue eyes, but not really my type. The internet was still very new and I hadn't quite figured out how easy it was to lie over it, this was my first lesson in that, as well as my real last real attempt at internet dating.

Now that he was with us, we decided the best thing to do was to go on a ride. This was when we noticed he was kinda strange. He didn't take his shoes or his socks off as we went on one of the giant intertube rides in which you all sit together and are hurled down a giant slope. My friend and I, as well as the attendant at the park stared him down for this. We got off the ride and hung out with him on and off for a few more hours. When it was time to go, I went to the locker to grab my stuff, he slightly grabbed my shoulder and than kissed me awkwardly on the lips, just a peck nothing more.

We than said goodbye and I went to find my friend and tell her all about the kiss. Well at least I can finally check getting my first kiss off of my list of things to do. He may or may not have called me, I don't remember and he wasn't my type. I pretty much went back to lusting after the real justin, and doing things that other 13 year old girls do like going to clubs.

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