I'm not sure what it is, but lately fetuses seem to be everywhere. They seem to be once again being pushed in the political realm with evil politicians constantly try to make them into a self sustaining life form, who inevitably has the power to take away any rights that I may have to my body, the "oven" so to speak that they would occupy. They seem to be on the radio, on my favorite websites, and ironically developing inside many women around the world.
I'm not really for or against these said fetuses, after all I haven't been allowed to sit down and get an in depth interview with these beings to make an educated decision about who they actually are, what I am against is anyone who uses them as an excuse to try to control my body and my reproductive system. Welcome to the Pro-Life movement.
This movement is neither pro-life nor relevant to anything other than a group of people trying to desperately control women at the very base of our being. Take this for instance, someone who is actually pro-life would be pro the life of the mother in any instance that could arise in her life. Pro-lifers are not for the life of the mother but rather for the "life" of the fetus, irregardless of if it could result in loss of life for the mother, and the sad reality is that there are women all over the world who die as a result of not having access to a life-saving abortion. They are also not for the lives of the American soldiers and the innocent middle eastern people who have been killed throughout these wars we've been fighting. What about people on death row, or those innocent prisoners who have died via the death penalty? Don't forgot all the abortion doctors that have been killed by pro-lifers. These people, largely super religious right-wing conservative groups who are pro-life are actually nothing more than pro-fetus. From now on in this article and this blog that's how they will be known.
As someone who has never had any desire to have a child (OK everyone be shocked, I know how as a woman could you not have wanted anything more than marriage and babies since you were 3? we really need to stop educating these girls!) largely because the idea of this thing growing inside of me, eating all of my food freaks me out beyond belief. I used to be scared of pregnant women when I was little, no joke, because I didn't know what was happening to them and assumed it must be a tumor. All of that scared me sufficiently, until I heard of this study via one of my online gossip sites, in which scientists had found out exactly what these fetuses were up to throughout their whole incubation period. I kid you not as I say this, the study found out that they were actually masturbating. Of course this study was conducted by male scientists, and I immediately went from disbelief to horror, now I not only have to worry about this thing growing inside me that eats all of my food, I also have to worry about it jacking off the whole time.
It did make me wonder though how all these pro-life people would feel if they knew exactly what their precious fetuses were up to. I mean these people are vehemently against sex and anything related to that. I wonder if they would still be pro-fetus or just pro-non masturbating fetus, and if they would now have to advertise the distinction claiming that the latter group is obviously possessed by the devil, and needs to immediately be either terminated, or have a forced exorcism to rid them of all their impurities. Is it too late to save these fetuses???
I also feel like they would attack these scientists for conducting a study that concluded exactly the point that these pro-fetus people were actually trying to prove, that the fetus is actually a small human. Rather though they would attack them for corrupting these "pure" beings who are innocent and free from the "sinful" desires that plague, and are apparently destroying the human race. In an ironic twist this study proves their point, yet does so at the detriment of everything that they are trying to control.