For Those With Vaginas

Florynce Kennedy said it best : "If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament." With that I want to add that if men do take away all of our reproductive rights as women, I'm ok with that. The reason I'm ok with it, is because now not only will no man will ever get laid, but all of us single ladies will start requiring men to get vasectomies before we sleep with them. We won't even need a law to enforce this, because we will just enforce it socially. If men want to get laid, which they will do anything for, they will have to get fixed first, because lets be honest birth control isn't always 100 percent effective, nor will we probably have access to it to begin with. The most desirable men in our culture will now be those in their 20s or 30s who have had this procedure done. It will become the new dating requirement for the male species.

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