Women Deserve Better.....International Women's Day Femen Addition

After looking through countless pictures of women gathering around the world on International women's day, to demand an end to war and violence. Women of every religion, race and culture in the world standing together in solidarity with the same message. My first reaction was yes, but how did femen celebrate? Femen is a Ukrainian feminist group who is known for their topless activism which has allowed them to draw world wide attention to a lot of pressing issues facing women in both their own country and the world. Luckily, I found a video they released on the holiday, unfortunately (or fortunately) depending on how you look at it, it contained nudity so I'm not able to upload here, but I think the message in the video was the most important part. The following translation is listed below, and the message is perfect for women everywhere.
"Happy March 8th, although the holiday has gone pop and turned into some rotten day of attention from men, candy, presents, some sort of silly adaptations of brooms [bouquets]. We don’t need any of this. Of course, we’ll take all of it, as I would wish you would. Take everything from men, build a barricade out of it and take away the government power from them too, because that’s what we need now!.. Women, don’t expect shallow, stickin’ candy! Defend Ukraine! Get out and protest!.. Come! Undress! Conquer!"