Women Deserve Better..... We are more than our virginity!

Purity Balls are something that the evangelical christian movement came up with. They are events, in which girls as young as 5, are forced to pledge their purity to their dads, which includes signing a contract. Overwhelming, these events only talk about virginity in the form of girls, and their fathers are suppose to be the guardians of it until their wedding night. Its not only dangerous in the sense that its teaching these girls from the time they are little that they have no ownership of their own bodies or themselves, thus setting up for them to be raped, abused and controlled by men in general and especially by whichever man they end up marrying. But also, that they are taught that their only worth is their virginity which in turn belongs to their future husband, not to them. Their own sexuality, and future pleasure in terms of sex is being completely discarded because they are saying that women and girls sexuality is only allowed in terms of reproduction and their future husbands. These girls end up getting little to no sex education meaning that they are taught abstinence only education, because of this they are more likely than other "non-purity" kids to end up not using protection, when they almost always break these "purity" vows they were forced into. This results in higher rates of teen pregnancy, STDs and putting them at risk for illnesses like HIV. I also wasn't aware of how much federal funding they are receiving, which is beyond sickening and a huge human/women's rights violation.

These men who force their young daughters to do this, are obviously all child molesters, who believe they own girls sexuality and bodies. The videos of them at these balls are beyond creepy, especially how overly "affectionate" if you could call it that, they are with their daughters. I've always wondered what kind of man is going out and paying to rape 13 year old girls who have been forced into trafficking, and I feel very confident saying that its these men. It makes me happy that my own dad was for the most part incredibly absentee, and I grew up with a strong progressive woman for a mother, who never made me do anything like this and at least instilled in me that I could do anything as a woman and my worth was not entirely based on if my hymen was intact.

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