Recently I've been seeing more and more sites and groups pop up of men trying to do something. What they're trying to accomplish I'm not really sure. I think they're trying to combat misogyny by creating more of it. Lets examine some of these sites, shall we?

The first is a website one of my guy friends sent me the other day. He sent it to me because his friend had recorded a message on that site, which I couldn't find, until he sent me a link that actually took me to a vimeo account which is where his friend's message ended up. I think his message ended up there, because in it he spoke very beautifully of his mother, and of love and respect for women. While I think this was supposed to be the intention of the site, it didn't fit in with the rest of the messages on that site.

In the few minutes that I admirably spent on that site, I learned that Barney apparently wants to give every woman an orgasm, at least I think that's what he was trying to say, and that some guy who looked exactly like my ex complete with Mohawk and all told us that the key to a successful relationship is to Lie. Lie about everything, and lie about it all the time. LIE! LIE! LIE!!!

You can get more great advice by following the link below.

The next one I'm a little embarrassed about. The reason for this, is because I initially had recommended this site to a bunch of people by posting it on facebook. At the time it seemed like a wonderful project, because it sounded like it was going to be all about holding men responsible for the way they treat women, and creating a new male archetype that supports women. Boy, was I wrong. At some point it morphed into what happens with almost all groups started by men, its became almost a hate group that publishes a lot of article by the "men's rights movement" whose main goal is to degrade and dismantle any rights that women currently have, because apparently men are the actual victims in this dynamic. They publish these articles by saying "we want to allow different opinions." Okay, reinforcing the status quo is not a different nor a new opinion. It's any incredibly dangerous one that results in women being brutalized all over the world everyday. In case you want to check it out, it might help you compile a list of men that you should never date.

This next article is my favorite, because it's an advice column on Marie Claire, written by a guy who has obviously never seen a vagina before. He likes to say things like "men don't like women who are more experienced than them in the bedroom" and "men want women that aren't going to be too aggressive because they're harder to control". He pretty much is mimicking things that a 13 year old boy would say to try to impress his hot teacher. Not to mention he must've gotten this job, because he is related to someone who owns the magazine. The good news is that when they fire him he will be lovingly embraced by the good men project.

Why Men Would Rather Date an Innocent Woman

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