NO! Women Do Not Lie About Rape.

Women do not lie about rape, girls do not lie about rape, boys do not lie about rape. Nobody lies about being raped. The only people who do lie about rape are rapists, the people who support them, the media, and every other institution that does everything in their power to protect the rapists so that it won't reflect badly on them.

My whole life I've been told over and over again that if I dress a certain way, or drink or leave the house, and a man rapes me it will be my fault. Therefore I should not only live in fear of the entire male population, and completely distrust each and every individual on this planet who has a penis, but if something horrible happens to me I must've done something to cause it.

This is bullshit! To everyone who has every blamed women and girls for being victims of violent crimes I have two words to say to you "Fuck you". This is the reason that any crimes against women are not taken seriously, because men are not held responsible for the way they act or for the way they treat us. They aren't held responsible for making the choice to rape someone (yes its a conscious choice), nor are they held responsible for the way they treat women in general.

Most rapes go unreported and the reason for this is because the woman or girl will have to go through a horrible trial, if it even gets to that point, which in most cases it doesn't! Where she will have to sit on the stand as some fucking male lawyer goes over her entire sexual history, talks about what kind of underwear she was wearing, and concludes that if she wasn't such a "slutty whore" or more accurately a woman, none of this would've ever happened to her in the first place. Men always say women lie about sexual assault, well they've done studies and found that cases of rape that are reported to the police that turn out to be 100 percent accurate fall somewhere between 96-97 % of the time. The 3-4% that aren't, is the same percentage of all other types of crimes reported to police that turn out to be untrue.

In this country alone there are 600 sexual assaults and rapes that occur everyday! Yes, everyday! I bet only about 10 or 20 are ever actually reported because the victim knows she will never get justice. Unless you consider justice repeatedly being called a "whore" and a "liar", having everyone turn against you and side with the rapists, only for him to end up with a year or two probation! All the while her life is permanently damaged, and she has had to live through the worst thing that could ever happen to a human being.

I am angry, and I am done with women and girls being victims of male privilege. Take personal responsibility for yourself, your penis and your entire gender and stop allowing men to be rapists in the first place. I personally don't know any woman who hasn't either been raped or almost been raped. And when you're going to get into attempted rapes, you'll have each woman experiencing that multiple times. Cases where she was at a club and was drugged, someone was stalking her, or she was cornered by some strange man. These things happen all the time. They happen to women and girls in this country everyday. I am sick of it, and I will hold every man on this planet responsible until everyone who is a rape survivor gets justice!

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