The problem is not Osama, it's Masculinity

Upon hearing the news of Osama death's I feel angry, sickened and disgusted, not even by his death nor even his life for that matter, but by the way people are reacting. I was repulsed and still am by the celebrations of his death. Its almost as saying they caught a serial killer, but in order to do so we had to destroy the entire state of Arizona, and kill, torture, and abuse almost every single person who lived there. But we got that one serial killer, so we won, right?

Its once again, like everything else, we as women and girls are being pushed to the back burner. Whether we live in the middle east or in the United States, this man's death will do nothing, to help end the violence and abuse directed at us, on a daily basis, because he is not the enemy, the men in our culture and in every culture in the world are our enemies. Its our fathers, our brothers, our boyfriends, our husbands, a rapist that we hear about on the news, they are the people that we as women are scared of. That fear will never go away until men change, and seeing the male population being so eager to jump up and celebrate this death of a man, despite the massive amounts of innocent people who have suffered because of it, like the war itself, is just another disgusting display of masculinity.

Since no one has talked about violence against women and girls that has resulted as a direct result of the US, deciding to enter into the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq, I will take this as an opportunity to let you know who will not be celebrating the death of Osama, and the reason they won't be celebrating is because they were all innocent women and girls that didn't have to die, but did die as a direct result of the US propagating more violence after sept. 11.

1) I recently watched a news report in Iraq featuring a family who's whole entire house was destroyed when a bomb from the US hit it. The woman who had four children, along with her husband all managed to survive the attack with the exception of one person, the woman's 5 year old son. As the reporter asked her questions, mostly about do you think this war was worth it? Her husband thought it was despite losing his son, and seemed to be completley oblivious to the amount of pain that it brought to his wife (not surprisingly, I don't think men have figured out something called empathy or paying attention yet). As she tearfully told the camera, "No, I don't think the war was worth it." and when the journalist asked her to elaborate she simple said "too many children were killed." All the while you could see how destroyed she was, rightfully so over the loss of her son, to such a senseless display of men needing to assert the fact that they have penises.

2) A 12 year old girl in Afghanistan, who was killed by American soldiers, after they stormed into her non-taliban home, killed her entire family with the exception of her. Than the American soldiers took turns gang-raping her, until one of them eventually shot her in the face. Two or Three men were charged with the murders in the armies own judicial system, making it difficult for outsiders to get information about anything that is brought to trial or prosecuted in the closed net branch. The judge made a comment along the lines talking about how these crimes "were really bad" something indicating that if maybe they hadn't killed this little girl they would've never been prosecuted.

3) Army wives. One thing the media never talks about, because it has to do with women's rights, along with contradicting this idea that American soldiers are heroes, versus either being men who are Bullies, or are simply incredibly misguided and had no other choices other than to join the army, is the rampant domestic violence faced by women who are military wives. The domestic violence rate amongst them is at least twice that of the national average, but its much likely its a lot higher. Its almost impossible to tell because the military like the catholic church has done a fucking fantastic job of hiding everything that takes place inside its walls. At the start of the war in Afghanistan there were 3 men who got back from Afghanistan to their homes, and within the course of a few weeks, all 3 of them had each set their wives on fire and killed her. There have also been reports that domestic violence at home here just amongst ordinary families rises when we are at war.

This doesn't even include all the women serving in the armed forces, who have been brutally raped and beaten at the hands of their male servicemen counterparts. The same men who have than come back her to be called "heroes" and are celebrated by our society. Since the armed forces has done nothing to prosecute the rampant violence against women taking place internally within all the branches of the military, when you see one of these men you have no idea who is a rapist, and who isn't.

This war has done nothing but perpuate violence against women and girls here and in the middle east, all while using the platform of "women's rights" from day one to justify this entire display of men doing what they do best, be violent, abusive bullies. The "women's rights" movement would never ever justify war, or killing someone else's child. Women and girls everywhere want peace, and the only reason we don't have it because men don't know anything other than violence. There was a man on the news yesterday who said in response to the whole Osama is dead, about people in the Middle East, "they're just not like us." I can tell you sir, that men everywhere are the same, and your response tells us everything we need to know. You like the taliban, and the majority of men on this planet are so consumed in your egotiscal, entitled, violent, hateful, fearful ways that you can't even find any compassion in yourself because there is no room left for something like that to exist. Men need to come up with a new model for manliness, one that doesn't involve suffering, and after 27 years on this planet, I can feel confident saying "that they will never be able to." But I will leave you with this one question:

None of these women or girls will be celebrating this "victory" so why are you?

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