Women Deserve Better.......We Are The Actual Heroes!

I love how in our society if a woman decides she isn't ready to be a mom she is openly called a "murderer" and the act of getting an abortion is considered comparable to slavery, genocide, and oh yes the holocaust. Actual exhibits by anti-choice groups have showcased how terminating a pregnancy is the same as all the horrific evil things Hitler did. And yet, when a group of men invade another country like they in America have done to the Middle East, and brutually murder, rape, torture, abuse men, women and children (you mean the war in Afghanistan and Iraq has killed babies? some still in the womb?) destroy their homes, and lives these men are called: Heroes. And given not only medals, but sometimes huge welcoming parades, concerts and special treatment everywhere. It must be nice having a penis!

***Update, after I wrote this, I found out that State Republicans have introduced nearly 1,000 laws restricting women's reproductive health access since Jan. 2011. YES 1,000!!! You can read the 10 worst states to be a woman below:


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