Men's Rights Takes Over Advertising, because Men Have Periods Too!

Recently, Milk has introduced a super sexist new campaign. One in which men, who are the actual victims of PMS, are "hilariously" taught that if only they had purchased milk for their hormonal girlfriend none of this would've happened in the first place. The new ad campaign contains billboards, radio ads and even a non-profit website called: in which men are able to check the global levels of pms amongst other things.
Maybe they have a point. I mean every month my body selfishly aborts a perfectly good egg, that easily could've become a baby, but instead finds itself on a bloody tampon. Think of all the non-babies who could've been babies, but instead are just ending up in landfills all over the world, destroying the planet, because my body makes an incredibly self-centered decision once a month to say "fuck you" to pregnancy.
This whole time when I'm all crampy, irritable and basically bleeding to death, I really should be thinking about how all of this affects the mens. The people (aside from the aborted egg) who are the real victims in all of this. Thank god we have giant wealthy corporations run by men to remind us of this.
Now I'm off to walgreens to get my annual pap smear and to buy some milk for my roommate, she's been super bitchy lately. Wish me luck!