She Works Hard For The Money.....Closing the Wage Gap

Donna Summer's hit song was released in the midst of a contract dispute between Summer and Geffen Records over who had creative control. Summer’s next album came out through a different label. It was released in 1983 (the year I was born yeah!!!), and I sometimes feel like the only thing that came out of the women's rights movement is that women are now able to open their own bank accounts without their husbands permission.

With that being said there's been much talk about finally passing the Equal Rights Amendment which would it illegal to discriminate against us ladies, because we're ladies. This comes on the heels of much anger over the Supreme Court decision in regards to the Walmart lawsuit. Basically, it would make it illegal to pay women less and would shut down the ever so pleasant "pro-life" movement amongst other things. I have my own list of demands in regards to this matter.

1) I demand that The Equal Rights Amendment is passed so that a woman will never be able to be paid less anywhere in the United States because of her gender.

2) I also demand retribution for any and all wages that women have lost at any point throughout history in this country, because they were paid less for being women. If the woman is no longer alive than I demand that the money goes to any of her living relatives. If none are alive than it needs to be donated to an organization that helps women. Its important to note that the differences in wages has both immediate and long term effects, because it also affects how much she will receive for her pension, her retirement plans seeing that she'll have to work more years because she makes less, etc, all of which also needs to be updated to accommodate what she would be receiving had she been paid the salary she was suppose to be getting.

3) I also demand an apology from the US government for treating women like shit. A SINCERE apology.

Anything less than the above isn't good enough and I WON'T accept it!

(Before you read the below article all I want to say is that we all know this "Colleen" person who apparently doesn't want equality is definitely a man, just like all those lesbian bloggers turned out to be straight white men!)


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