Women Deserve Better.....We Give Up Our Power Because

My friend recently sent me this beautiful poem that is titled We Give Up Our Power Because.. It couldn't be more true about all the lessons women are taught from the time we are little about what it means to be a girl and what it means to be powerful.
One of the first lessons we get in power is through the use of our toys the most damaging of which is a little doll that goes by the name of Barbie, who teaches us that in order to be loved and valued as a woman we must be white with long blond hair, blue eyes, giant breasts, a non-existent waist and be a size 0. At one point The Body Shop took on this image, and directly targeted the message that Barbie, and the larger beauty industry was sending to women by making the above ad campaign. This campaign known as the "Ruby" campaign was all about teaching women to love ourselves exactly the way we are, and was eventually sued by Mattel for allegedly stealing the idea of Barbie, and I guess bad mouthing what Barbie stood for (low self-esteem, destruction of women ?). Mattel in all its evil power eventually won.
On the plus side, Mattel dolls especially the Ken ones make for very good inexpensive voodoo dolls, i'm just sayin.
****Make sure to read this poem: