I was recently sent a link to a blog with the above image. Its a sculpture by Paige Bradley called Expansion. I was immediately blown away by it, because it seems to perfectly embody this journey I've been going on for the last few years of my life, one in which I'm quite literally bleeding love. The lyrics to the song by Leona Lewis: "You cut me open and I keep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding love", couldn't be more accurate as to this journey I've been on. It hasn't been one of love in the traditional boy likes girl sense, but in the much larger sense where everything is stripped away from you and you realize that the only thing that is left is love, and no matter how much you try to run from it you are continuously pulled back until you realize you could never have it any other way.
Maybe, that's why this journey has been so confusing, because everyone I know is getting married, or finishing their master's degree, and I've been on a polar opposite journey that couldn't be further from the status quo. The strangest part about it, is that I have no money (currently have $20 in the bank not even joking), no boyfriend, and according to multiple people no job. I live at home which was never suppose to be part of the plan, in a town with mostly older people, and yet I'm happier now than I've ever been in my entire life. I guess that's something.