Not too long again, I read an article on Jezebel about a man who had decided to ejaculate into his female coworkers' water bottle. He did this because he wanted to cheat on his wife, and thought this was an acceptable form of entertaining that without in his words, "hurting anyone." As I read about his coworker who was pressing charges against him, all I could think about was how I bet he was being paid more than her because he's a man, and men are superior.
Yet, it makes you wonder why since I was a little girl the only time I've heard concern over sexuality being discussed was in terms of girls sexuality. What girls should and shouldn't be allowed to wear, how they should and shouldn't be allowed to act, all because they will invite unwanted attention from the male population. I'm sure the woman in the above situation must've been wearing an outfit that said "please ejaculate into my waterbottle" which is exactly why her male coworker did that. I'm not sure what that outfit would involve, but I imagine it would be lots of floral prints.
I digress, so anyways we're all so worried about little girls and so-called "slutty" women, yet the female population is not the ones with this warped sense of sexuality. Welcome to patriarchal sexuality, in which women and girls are completely denied any of their own sexuality and the rights to their own bodies, all the while the male population is allowed the complete realm of sexuality, which includes every form of sexual perversion. Whenever, a woman is violated by this, she is blamed for it, because the all mighty male obviously isn't the problem. In patriarchal sexuality, sex is something that is done to women, not something that is mutual or about a sacred divine act between two people. In this sexuality, the only form that is allowed is heterosexual sexuality, most likely because two people of the same sex being intimate confuses this idea that sex is a powerful act to keep women submissive, and that some people meaning two women who are lovers completely neglects this form of patriarchal sexuality all together, seeing that there is no man involved in the act.
While all this is going on, men and boys or more specifically straight men and boys, are left to their own devices. They are given complete control over their own sexuality and over the sexuality of the other gender. While this is beneficial to them to a certain extent, it doesn't do well in the sense that it creates an atmosphere in which boys are considered to be so hyper-sexual that their girlfriend or women in general are allowed to take that or pressure them to have sex before they're ready and when this involves an underage boy and an older woman its very unlikely to be seen as being rape. While this happens to women and girls too, it does deny the fact that not all men are super sexual, and that sexuality isn't determined by your gender, but more so determined by your own individuality. However, the bigger issues it causes are very detrimental to society at large. Sex is suppose to be something that is all about the woman and her pleasure, if it were suppose to be about the man, we would know that because men would be the ones who get pregnant.
By denying women's sexuality it creates an endless system in which women can never win, they are either forced to be the virgin who waits til marriage, or the whore who goes out and apparently sleeps with too many people. Either way, the woman is trying to gain control over something that she doesn't have control over, which is her own sexuality. Given how perverted the male population has made sexuality, the fact that the biggest issue with women may be that they sleep with a few too many Mr. Wrongs is actually pretty remarkable.
Now its time to go over what happens when we don't focus all of our attention on boy's and men's sexuality. We end up with a world that has things like:
* NECROPHILIA (keep in mind that there have to be laws outlawing this all over the world, because men regardless of race, religion or cultural think this is acceptable)
* SEX ROBOTS - like sex dolls, except I guess they can also get up and make you a sandwich after you're finished.
* PORTA POTTY PEEPING TOM (I'm going to warn you if you haven't read this one yet and decide to google it, your vomit is going to vomit)
MARTIAL RAPE, DATE RAPE, GANG-RAPE, RAPE, CORRECTIVE RAPE - in which straight men will rape a gay woman to try to "correct" or to turn her straight. Because that's the way to get women to love men.
* SEXUAL SHAMING - especially from religion and religious figures but also from so-called cultural "norms", medical community, friends, family, etc.
* PORNOGRAPHY IN GENERAL (most of which is made from women and girls who are in slavery)
Yet, it makes you wonder why since I was a little girl the only time I've heard concern over sexuality being discussed was in terms of girls sexuality. What girls should and shouldn't be allowed to wear, how they should and shouldn't be allowed to act, all because they will invite unwanted attention from the male population. I'm sure the woman in the above situation must've been wearing an outfit that said "please ejaculate into my waterbottle" which is exactly why her male coworker did that. I'm not sure what that outfit would involve, but I imagine it would be lots of floral prints.
I digress, so anyways we're all so worried about little girls and so-called "slutty" women, yet the female population is not the ones with this warped sense of sexuality. Welcome to patriarchal sexuality, in which women and girls are completely denied any of their own sexuality and the rights to their own bodies, all the while the male population is allowed the complete realm of sexuality, which includes every form of sexual perversion. Whenever, a woman is violated by this, she is blamed for it, because the all mighty male obviously isn't the problem. In patriarchal sexuality, sex is something that is done to women, not something that is mutual or about a sacred divine act between two people. In this sexuality, the only form that is allowed is heterosexual sexuality, most likely because two people of the same sex being intimate confuses this idea that sex is a powerful act to keep women submissive, and that some people meaning two women who are lovers completely neglects this form of patriarchal sexuality all together, seeing that there is no man involved in the act.
While all this is going on, men and boys or more specifically straight men and boys, are left to their own devices. They are given complete control over their own sexuality and over the sexuality of the other gender. While this is beneficial to them to a certain extent, it doesn't do well in the sense that it creates an atmosphere in which boys are considered to be so hyper-sexual that their girlfriend or women in general are allowed to take that or pressure them to have sex before they're ready and when this involves an underage boy and an older woman its very unlikely to be seen as being rape. While this happens to women and girls too, it does deny the fact that not all men are super sexual, and that sexuality isn't determined by your gender, but more so determined by your own individuality. However, the bigger issues it causes are very detrimental to society at large. Sex is suppose to be something that is all about the woman and her pleasure, if it were suppose to be about the man, we would know that because men would be the ones who get pregnant.
By denying women's sexuality it creates an endless system in which women can never win, they are either forced to be the virgin who waits til marriage, or the whore who goes out and apparently sleeps with too many people. Either way, the woman is trying to gain control over something that she doesn't have control over, which is her own sexuality. Given how perverted the male population has made sexuality, the fact that the biggest issue with women may be that they sleep with a few too many Mr. Wrongs is actually pretty remarkable.
Now its time to go over what happens when we don't focus all of our attention on boy's and men's sexuality. We end up with a world that has things like:
* NECROPHILIA (keep in mind that there have to be laws outlawing this all over the world, because men regardless of race, religion or cultural think this is acceptable)
* SEX ROBOTS - like sex dolls, except I guess they can also get up and make you a sandwich after you're finished.
* PORTA POTTY PEEPING TOM (I'm going to warn you if you haven't read this one yet and decide to google it, your vomit is going to vomit)
MARTIAL RAPE, DATE RAPE, GANG-RAPE, RAPE, CORRECTIVE RAPE - in which straight men will rape a gay woman to try to "correct" or to turn her straight. Because that's the way to get women to love men.
* SEXUAL SHAMING - especially from religion and religious figures but also from so-called cultural "norms", medical community, friends, family, etc.
* PORNOGRAPHY IN GENERAL (most of which is made from women and girls who are in slavery)
* TSA SEXUALLY ASSAULTING PASSENGERS - accepted under the guise of "safety" and "security"
* RAMPANT SPREAD OF STDS/HIV - men not wearing condoms b/c it infringes upon their own sexuality/pleasure
* THE MAN WHO WAS RECENTLY CAUGHT OUTSIDE WALMART WITH AN ERECTION - according to him the store turned him on
The most amazing part is that I could probably go on and on about this with a never-ending list. However, what it does show is that we should be turning all of our attention to teaching boys the correct ways to behave, and holding men responsible for their actions, specifically when they are using their penises as weapons to destroy women and girls lives, instead of using their own sexuality to celebrate women's sexuality.
With that being said I do think given all of this that women and girls are doing pretty well, and while we do have to go on our journey of reclaiming our sexuality and reestablishing it, society's focus needs to change to those who are actually causing all these perversions in the first place. These things need to stop being categorized as "fetishes" and instead being seen as the end result of a completely broken degraded system. After all, focusing on what girls are or aren't wearing doesn't change the fact that boys and men can be rape victims as well.
And instead of saying that the male population is too animalistic in nature to ever rise above this, and therefore actually being held responsible for controlling their sexuality and what they choose to do with it, they need to not be allowed to act this way in the first place. If we try things the new way and it still doesn't work, than we can always just Loreena Bobbit them.
* THE MAN WHO WAS RECENTLY CAUGHT OUTSIDE WALMART WITH AN ERECTION - according to him the store turned him on
The most amazing part is that I could probably go on and on about this with a never-ending list. However, what it does show is that we should be turning all of our attention to teaching boys the correct ways to behave, and holding men responsible for their actions, specifically when they are using their penises as weapons to destroy women and girls lives, instead of using their own sexuality to celebrate women's sexuality.
With that being said I do think given all of this that women and girls are doing pretty well, and while we do have to go on our journey of reclaiming our sexuality and reestablishing it, society's focus needs to change to those who are actually causing all these perversions in the first place. These things need to stop being categorized as "fetishes" and instead being seen as the end result of a completely broken degraded system. After all, focusing on what girls are or aren't wearing doesn't change the fact that boys and men can be rape victims as well.
And instead of saying that the male population is too animalistic in nature to ever rise above this, and therefore actually being held responsible for controlling their sexuality and what they choose to do with it, they need to not be allowed to act this way in the first place. If we try things the new way and it still doesn't work, than we can always just Loreena Bobbit them.