New Male Archetype.... Men Fighting for Gender Equality!

The 2011 September Campaign. Our 5-year-anniversary video from charity: water on Vimeo.

One of the things I love about the organization Charity: Water is that they aren't just giving people clean water, but they are also using it as a tool to help empower women in the communities that they serve. In most of these places women have never been in leadership positions until this organization provides them with a well to obtain water, and the women are able to be on the committee overseeing the maintanece and care of that well. This allows gender equality to be something that can be obtained through the use of clean water, which does two incredibly powerful things, it not only helps everyone become healthier and have a much better quality of life, but it now elevates all the women and girls in that community into positions of importance. It ensures that women's voices and therefore girl's voices will be heard in the community.

The below link is a story about a man in Brazil who decided to do something to help women achieve gender equality by focusing on the way men treat women, and teaching men to not be assholes.

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