Now this will probably come as a shock to everyone on this planet. I envision that what I’m about to say will result in old ladies fainting and men becoming angry and disgruntled, but I’m going to say it anyways.
I, as a woman, have never once had any desire to get married. Nope (shakes head), not once. I’ve never dreamed of my wedding day or ever really thought about it for that matter. I’ve never wanted any of that. Yes, I know that as a girl this apparently goes against all logic and immediately calls into my question my sexuality or results in the usual statement of “well you’ll change your mind at some point.”
Why is it so difficult for people to understand that some little girls dream about growing up and becoming successful and feel that their much larger goal of world domination would be a lot more difficult to accomplish if they have to deal with some guy around them all the time who needs constant attention, and wants things from you; like children?
I remember when I was five, and my favorite movie was The Little Mermaid. Whenever it got to the part in which Ariel had to give up her voice to be with some guy, I always became outraged beyond measure. I decided than and there that I would never give up my dreams, and everything that makes me special just to have a man in my life. I would never change myself so that I could be something that fits into his play in which he is the protagonist and I’m just one of the background players. However, that is the mentality that women grow up with. Little girls are taught to define themselves and their identity around men, and to do and act only in ways that will make them appealing to the male population. This normally means not to be too strong, too independent, too unique, or too stubborn, because men won’t like you then.***(Also don't be too opinionated and definitely don't be a feminist, because thats only for angry unattractive women who want to get married (like all women want), but can't get married because they spending too much time being upset about stupid things like the wage gap instead of spending time doing important things like reading Cosmo articles about what men really want. This results in them being unable to attract and keep a man.) They should be taught to put themselves first, and that the most important goal is to be happy and that happiness does not coincide with having a ring on your finger, but coincides with being true to yourself.
I think this whole marriage thing has been on my mind lately a lot, because everyone I know is getting married. I’ve never understood why anyone is excited to do that, I think most women do it because we’ve been brainwashed to believe it will make us feel happy or fulfilled or loved, which it won’t. I’ve always looked at marriage as one of those bizarre human rituals that I’ll never understand, and you would think since no one is happy in marriage everyone would start to try to move past that onto something that would fit better.
I do think having relationships though and intimate ones are really important and do a lot for your own personal and spiritual growth, but I think marriage traps people at a certain point in their lives and keeps them there. It doesn’t give much room if any to continue evolving and learning, the exception would be two people who are really committed to their own spiritual path, which is not only rare, but there is no way those two people would last forever in their relationship because they (or at least one of them) would eventually evolve beyond it into something else. I think it also makes me feel really sad, and a little sick to see women more than willingly to give up their last name and excited to be Mrs. So and so. I can’t imagine having to change my identity and the person I’ve been for the last 27 years of my life to become something new that is wrapped around this other person. I think if men want to get married than they should have to change their last name. My relationship would be more like how Kevin Federline was always referred to as “Mr. Britney Spears”, my man can be Mr. Charlie Madison.
It just feels to me like sometimes women are way to willing to give away their own power (that is when we’re not being pressured to apologize for it) instead of just being powerful, and that is one instance where it makes me feel really sad. I also hate when people say things like “you’re too pretty to not get married”, like what a shame it would be if your best cattle were to go to waste, huh? I just don’t understand how marriage is suppose to or could possibly be empowering to women, and until I see men evolving more and respecting women I just cringe whenever I hear of another woman I know getting married. I know a lot of these guys aren’t respecting or treating them like they should, and it just really breaks my heart.
I, as a woman, have never once had any desire to get married. Nope (shakes head), not once. I’ve never dreamed of my wedding day or ever really thought about it for that matter. I’ve never wanted any of that. Yes, I know that as a girl this apparently goes against all logic and immediately calls into my question my sexuality or results in the usual statement of “well you’ll change your mind at some point.”
Why is it so difficult for people to understand that some little girls dream about growing up and becoming successful and feel that their much larger goal of world domination would be a lot more difficult to accomplish if they have to deal with some guy around them all the time who needs constant attention, and wants things from you; like children?
I remember when I was five, and my favorite movie was The Little Mermaid. Whenever it got to the part in which Ariel had to give up her voice to be with some guy, I always became outraged beyond measure. I decided than and there that I would never give up my dreams, and everything that makes me special just to have a man in my life. I would never change myself so that I could be something that fits into his play in which he is the protagonist and I’m just one of the background players. However, that is the mentality that women grow up with. Little girls are taught to define themselves and their identity around men, and to do and act only in ways that will make them appealing to the male population. This normally means not to be too strong, too independent, too unique, or too stubborn, because men won’t like you then.***(Also don't be too opinionated and definitely don't be a feminist, because thats only for angry unattractive women who want to get married (like all women want), but can't get married because they spending too much time being upset about stupid things like the wage gap instead of spending time doing important things like reading Cosmo articles about what men really want. This results in them being unable to attract and keep a man.) They should be taught to put themselves first, and that the most important goal is to be happy and that happiness does not coincide with having a ring on your finger, but coincides with being true to yourself.
I think this whole marriage thing has been on my mind lately a lot, because everyone I know is getting married. I’ve never understood why anyone is excited to do that, I think most women do it because we’ve been brainwashed to believe it will make us feel happy or fulfilled or loved, which it won’t. I’ve always looked at marriage as one of those bizarre human rituals that I’ll never understand, and you would think since no one is happy in marriage everyone would start to try to move past that onto something that would fit better.
I do think having relationships though and intimate ones are really important and do a lot for your own personal and spiritual growth, but I think marriage traps people at a certain point in their lives and keeps them there. It doesn’t give much room if any to continue evolving and learning, the exception would be two people who are really committed to their own spiritual path, which is not only rare, but there is no way those two people would last forever in their relationship because they (or at least one of them) would eventually evolve beyond it into something else. I think it also makes me feel really sad, and a little sick to see women more than willingly to give up their last name and excited to be Mrs. So and so. I can’t imagine having to change my identity and the person I’ve been for the last 27 years of my life to become something new that is wrapped around this other person. I think if men want to get married than they should have to change their last name. My relationship would be more like how Kevin Federline was always referred to as “Mr. Britney Spears”, my man can be Mr. Charlie Madison.
It just feels to me like sometimes women are way to willing to give away their own power (that is when we’re not being pressured to apologize for it) instead of just being powerful, and that is one instance where it makes me feel really sad. I also hate when people say things like “you’re too pretty to not get married”, like what a shame it would be if your best cattle were to go to waste, huh? I just don’t understand how marriage is suppose to or could possibly be empowering to women, and until I see men evolving more and respecting women I just cringe whenever I hear of another woman I know getting married. I know a lot of these guys aren’t respecting or treating them like they should, and it just really breaks my heart.