2012 Affirmation: I Trust
I happen to be someone who loves to work with angels and fairies, and Doreen Virtue's work has helped me a lot. I love that the common theme for this next year is once again patience, which seems to be the one thing that my own spiritual team has been trying to teach me for probably my whole life, but especially throughout the last 4 years of this intense ascension process. Although this process technically started 25 years ago, so basically I've spent my whole life going through the ascension process which explains why I'm so grumpy and over it. I'm an angry starseed.
Patience is something that I am not good at, nor do I enjoy waiting for things that I feel should already be here. This is probably why I was much happier and more relaxed back when I used to just spend all my time drinking, because it's much easier to enjoy life and wait for things when you're drunk all the time. Especially, since at this point in my life I figured I would've already achieved world domination, instead of being unable to pay my phone bills. *Argh*