"Seventeen-year-old Samantha Garvey is a high school student with a passion for science. Despite the fact that she and her family are homeless, she defied the odds by becoming a semi-finalist in the Intel Science Talent Search. She was here today to tell Ellen her inspiring story."
Growing up I always hated how guys would say that girls are bad at math and science, especially since I was in advanced math from the time I was in 5th grade and by the time I was in high school there were boys in my math class who were juniors even though I was a freshman. They were a year behind in math and I was a year ahead. By the time I was a senior in high school I was in AP calculus and I almost set the curve for our first test in college in the advanced math series, except I was beaten by my roommate who might I add is also a girl. Despite being a girl, I have also always LOVED math. Take that motherfuckers!!!!!