I wanted to take a moment to thank my mom for leaving my abusive dad. It took her over a year to plan an escape route to get herself and her three children out of that situation. My dad then dragged her through years and years of court battles hiding money in secret accounts so that he could avoid splitting their assets in half. If he could've, he would've taken the house and clothes off our backs without even blinking.
I came across this amazing organization of women who are fighting against the corruption in our judicial system and the injustice done to women and children who are victims of domestic violence. How my dad didn't manage to end up stealing us from my mom is a miracle to me, my mom got full custody. He was the one with all the money, and all the power and the fact he was a man meant everything worked in his favor. He would've easily taken us away from her, just to punish her, only to neglect us.
Approximately 75 percent of women who are killed as a result of domestic violence, are killed AFTER they have left the abuser, it is probably one of the most dangerous times for women and children because he knows he is losing control over them. If they survive that, then the next step is surviving the judicial system. According to their organization around 58,000 children in the United States are forced to have unsupervised court ordered visits with the man who was abusing their mom and them. Needless to say this results in a lot more abuse and violence that these children are forced to endure, as well as countless preventable deaths when these children are killed by him in his supervision.
"We as mothers demand CITIZENSHIP and our Rights to our Children. We demand that our children not be used as pawns by our abuser in a custody dispute. We demand that Mothers and Children be equally protected against court ordered visitation with an abuser. We demand that Mothers and Children be given the same rights, privileges and voice that the abuser gets in family courts!"