Source: via Stacie on Pinterest

The above is a picture taken of a young woman protesting at Slutwalk. Slutwalk was started after a police officer in Ontario told a group of women that if they didn't want to be raped, than they shouldn't dress like sluts. After that a group of women started a walk to protest rape culture, and rape mentality which blames the victim instead of the rapist. Women and girls are told constantly from the time we are little that if you don't want to be raped then you shouldn't dress in a revealing manner, you shouldn't advertise your sexuality or be overly flirtatious, you shouldn't be out at night, you shouldn't be drinking or doing drugs, and you shouldn't be in places where women don't belong (which is basically everywhere), amongst many other things.

When I was attacked, it was around 8 in the morning, I was in a crowded public place with lots of people around, I was wearing somewhat loose fitting jeans, a tank top, a cardigan over my tank top, no make-up, tennis shoes, I was one hundred percent sober, and get this I was a VIRGIN! So to anyone who has ever blamed a woman or girl who being the victim of sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape or other forms of abuse, I have some big words for you as well: FUCK YOU!

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