When I was in film school I decided to help out on a film project that some SDSU students were working on. I was shocked to learn that the female students in their class were always assigned to being in assistant roles, and were never allowed to be in the roles of being a director or cinematographer. From what I was told their predominantly male film faculty treated the female students like they were their servants. This was completely different from my film education at UCSD in which our professors were predominantly women and the majority of the students in our classes were female. Our program functioned very much along the lines of preparing us for the Indie circuit and because of that we were expected to do every single production role at some point (many times) and we were encouraged to be very self-sufficient. I definitely left the program feeling very confident in my ability to create films and to work in media.
The program at SDSU was, from what the students told me, the polar opposite. They were preparing them to basically work in mainstream hollywood, and I guess the male professors figured they might as well not hold back on the misogynistic behavior that the female students were going to enter into anyways. Hearing all of this made me feel very sad and very degraded as a woman. All the while it's on that whole belief that women can't make films. Lets be realistic people, turn on your tv, or go to the movies everything you will encounter will be complete CRAP all of which is being made by MEN! Not only do they continue to spout out the same unintelligent, regurgitated, offensive bullshit, but they have also given us a plethora of it (aka evidence) for years and years and years and years now. We have endless amounts of evidence to prove which gender CLEARLY should not be allowed to ever be within a few feet of a camera!
The above is a short film I made in film school for an editing class. It was kind of made on a whim in which I just gathered a bunch of my friends from the International house (where I lived) and asked them to help me make a mockumentary, somewhere along the lines of Spinal Tap. Enjoy!!!!