I guess we all know by this point that the spiritual essence of women is power, and not abuse of power but source/goddess/creation type power. What about men though? Well the spiritual essence of men is....drumroll please.....LOVE! YES LOVE!!!! Now, I know what you're thinking, because the first time I heard that I laughed for about 30 minutes and was not having any of it! I've met many men throughout my life and these people couldn't be further from that! However, it doesn't change the fact that their spiritual essence is love.

Maybe it's time for a story. A true story! A long time ago Earth used to be a highly advanced place, pretty much the most advanced planet amongst many universes. It was also one of the Creator Gods favorites, because it was sooo beautiful and there was a lot of extra love put into it. All the beings on this planet were highly advanced light beings from all over the universe, and everyone was very honored to be here on Earth. Then it became infected with darkness. The original beings who were infected and choose to stay that way were men. It wasn't a lot of men, just a few in fact. By a few I really men originally about 2-3 men. The rest of the male population was very happy and content living under Goddess energy and had no desire to be violent or aggressive, so these other men who realized they could never have control or power on this planet without people following them decided to start a war.(Keep in mind they were like the weird creepy loser guys at the bar, that no one, woman or man wants anything to do with!) So they killed all the men who weren't like them. All these beautiful highly advanced male beings were slaughtered, and since none of these men had any concept of violence, hatred, or abuse they didn't even know to fight back. And then these evil corrupt men set up shop and made all the men exactly like them by altering their DNA and creating more dark beings like themselves to inhabit those bodies. And while people have tried to stop them for a long time, it has been unsuccessful and has just spun more and more out of control. Now we have an entire world which is predominantly made of men who are exactly like them.

However, throughout this whole entire time there have been men who were part of the original males, who have tried to continue to embody the divine masculine in lifetime after lifetime on this planet. For the most part this small group of men have been tortured, imprisoned, and killed because of their refusal to be the way these other men want them to be. I honestly am surprised given how bad everything got that any men have been able to continue to embody love and compassion. There's definitely a lot of strength, determination, and courage amongst those men, and I am very grateful to have them be a part of my army. :)

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