I watched that Kony 2012 video with everyone else, and afterwards something about it made me super uncomfortable, but it honestly took me a really long time to understand what it was. And here it goes: I am so sick of straight, white, Christian men telling me how apparently great my life is because I'm an American. Being a racially mixed woman I have never once had access to the same freedoms and equalities that they've had access to. My race has made it illegal for me to even exist and my gender had made it legal for me to be treated as being somewhere between an indentured servant/slave/property & cattle. So yes straight, white, Christian men this country is fucking great, FOR YOU! But not for the rest of us who are still fighting for basic human rights, respect and dignity.
Maybe that's why sometime after watching that I started thinking about my own film career and having this strong desire to make a documentary about women which would tell what our lives are REALLY like as American women. Part of the reason I studied film was because I wanted to help give back those voices which aren't being heard. I would love to give women in this country the opportunity to speak their truths in an environment that is free from interruption, judgement, and the big one victim-blaming. So that they can share their stories, and I feel like women are really wanting to at this point. The above clip is from a show called The Price of Beauty in which Jessica Simpson traveled around the world and just talked to women about their lives. While I feel the show failed to make larger connections, like in this instance in which pressuring women to gain lots of weight can be just as unhealthy and detrimental to their bodies as forcing them to constantly diet, I like the overall idea of the show. I like the idea of just traveling around and letting women talk.
I shared this idea with a friend, who happens to be very good at giving me messages which you could definitely say are from Spirit. And by spirit I mean God/higher dimensional light beings/angels/my star family, etc. and she said all this stuff to me, and I honestly couldn't remember anything she said except for the last line, which I took to mean that everything that I'm working on is going to fall into place, and will all work out. She said "I think you are at the beginning of a very fascinating journey." :)