I could easily fill at least 10 books with all the times I've been sexually harassed and I'm just one woman!! This organization is wonderful, and hopefully it will spread to more campuses and even to high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. We need to be addressing this issue from the time boys are little and teaching them that it is never acceptable to disrespect a woman or a girl. Four out of five 8-11 year old girls have been sexually harassed by a classmate, so clearly this issue starts a long time before anyone even goes to college, and it needs to be addressed and stopped at all levels.

You can read more about Hollaback below:


There is also a great article about the power of a woman's voice written by Tabby Biddle for the Huffington Post! This is my favorite quote from it:

"All of this is very understandable. There are many reasons, particularly as women, that we want to hide. We have -- in a way -- been trained this way. It keeps us safe. It keeps us from being hurt, violated, teased, mocked and disrespected. In other words, it keeps us "out of trouble."

This hiding however is starting to backfire on us. The reason? The world is aching for feminine wisdom to come forward. The world is starving for feminine compassion and connection. The world is begging for you, as a woman, to step forward with your voice so that you can heal our planet."


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