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I think one of the things that we struggle with the most as far as being part of the starseed community is that we tend to look to the outside world for validation. I mean we are 3D humans (or at least we look like them) right? Despite the fact that we are here to actually dismantle that entire system. We are not here to participate in it. When we rebel against these very systems, like we're suppose to be doing, we tend to be ostracized for it. This makes us feel very lonely.
While I've mentioned bits and pieces as far as my particular job within this Ascension process goes, I've never really elaborated on it. So here we go. While I have a variety of tasks in this process, one of my main roles is to transmute some of (if not) the most extreme, darkest, densest energy that exists on this planet, as well as elsewhere. It's a role in which we've been referred to as Living Alchemists, because we turn this dark evil energy back into love, all through our own bodies. In order to do this role though I have to take on all this energy and actually have it inside of me, which means that on an energetic level we go through everything that the victim has gone through. For instance we would take on the all the trauma, pain, and fear of someone who was a victim of a genocide, as well as taking on and also transmuting all the energy that existed in those spaces in which the trauma took place. So it's both internal pain people are carrying around as well as the external pain that exists all around us as a result of that internal pain. In my particular case my work predominantly deals with helping women and girls and any trauma they've gone through in the last 5,000 years. Basically if it happened at some point whether the person is still alive or not, it needs to be transmuted.
As you can probably imagine it's left a lot of us quite traumatized from doing this work, because we've also been working non-stop for it seems like on average at least 5 years straight at this point. We work while we're asleep as well, because it's much easier to travel to other time/space locations when we're out of body. I also don't just deal with the darkest energy, but also those dark beings both human and non-human who are creating all this trauma. Strangely enough, I actually don't mind doing this work. On some level I like it, because I am finally starting to be able to recognize my planet again. What's made it really hard, has been the lack of support and understanding from the very people that we are helping.
This is where I think the conflict comes from for most of us. The type of work I do can't be seen, is hard at times for me to even wrap my head around, it certainly doesn't pay, it's made it almost impossible for me to have any sort of normalcy including having a normal job, friends, going back to school, dating, etc. And because of that everyone keeps telling me that I'm completely fucking up my life or something along those lines. And it's hard because on some level I've listened to them, instead of really honoring myself and our community for doing the type of work that we do. This interview with Kelly Canull, along with an email I received the other day from one of my lightworker teachers which pretty much said "you didn't come here to have a family, or a job, or a house, you came here to evolve and save the world, so stop feeling sorry for yourself" lol, was exactly what I needed to hear, because they're both right.
I think all of us starseed, indigos, crystals, lightworkers, etc. need to stop looking outside of ourselves for validation and especially for guidance, and realize that this is our planet, we are in charge of it, and we were chosen and we chose to be here at this time to lead everyone. Their lifestyles are not "wrong", but we're here to teach them that they could be so much better, and that most of these people are not trying to hurt us, they just can't even imagine that there could be a world full of love and beauty, because unlike us, they've never gotten to experience that. It doesn't mean that they don't want it though.
***Also my role in this process is unique to me, the variety of roles and purposes that starseeds have are so incredibly vast that they will manifest in a lot of different ways. Some starseeds do have "normal" jobs or even families, because that is intertwined with their larger missions and a lot are here to just hold a higher vibration and to not actually do anything else. None of the roles are better or worse, they're just different, and all are important and needed. :)