It seems that the Ukrainian Feminist Group Femen's protest tactics are spreading across the world. Femen is a women's rights group that is known to stage topless protests and demonstrations that have a theatrical appeal to them.

A few weeks ago here in the U.S. Eve Ensler joined women legislators in Michigan in a performance of her 1996 play “The Vagina Monologues.” The women decided to perform her play after Republican legislators indefinitely banned two women legislators from speaking at the capitol after using the word "vagina" in debate over controversial anti-abortion measures.

The best way to deal with immature misogynistic men who don't want to hear the word vagina is definitely by us ladies using that word constantly! I also like the facebook page which is very appropriately entitled "Vaginas take back the capitol" and has multiple pictures uploaded onto it of things in nature that apparently resemble vaginas (thanks random fb guy!). The name is foretelling though, because now that the patriarchy is over, men aren't going to be in leadership positions too much longer. From now on they can either choose to be a secretary, a nurse, a teacher, or a stay at home dad/househusband! If there is one thing we've learned from this patriarchal hell experiment it's that men do not make good leaders, so that will NOT be allowed to happen ever again!

Now over to France, who houses a feminist group called La Barbe. This group likes to wear fake beards and protest anywhere that women are being excluded.

"Its members infiltrate high-level, male-dominated meetings. In due course they get to their feet and silently don false beards before one of them reads out an ironic statement congratulating the men on their supremacy."

"Recently the group made global headlines when members crashed the Cannes Film Festival. On the red carpet normally reserved for glamorous stars in designer dresses, five bearded women posed with signs which read "Marvellous!" ''Thank you!" ''Splendid!" and ''Incredible!" They were angry that none of the 22 films selected for the official competition was directed by a woman."

I'm really happy that they were protesting about how women filmmakers are excluded. Women being excluded behind the camera is a huge problem, and it's NEVER talked about. The film industry is very much seen as an "old boys club" and it ends up discouraging women from staying in the industry which then ends up silencing us, our stories, and our visions. I'm also a huge fan of this idea of congratulating men on their supremacy. Did you guys get to where you are through hard work and talent? Or did you guys get to where you are because you spend all your time and energy abusing and oppressing half the world's population?

Just keep in mind ladies, the male population has set the bar so low for everything (media, politics, etc) that there is no way we could ever be any worse than them at these professions. It's just not possible! So we need to just be out there taking over everything and taking back everything. They can sit on the sidelines from now on and be our cheerleaders.

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