(*I was being urged to redo this video by my spirit guides, so I decided that I should also just play around with youtube's editing program! Also (I'll probably talk about this is in later videos to come) but the universe keeps very detailed records of everything that you think and that you do, and this is the reason I can promise every single woman and girl on this planet that you will FINALLY receive justice for all the abuse and oppression you've faced at the hands of the male population. I, as well as the universe and everyone else everywhere, could care less if something like this happened to you 5 minutes ago or 5,000 years ago, if it happened at some point it will be accounted for! In the end all the scales must balance out.)

I guess this is a good time to say this. There are a lot of people out there who will and are trying to lead everyone right now and claim to have access to information about the Ascension process that is happening on this planet. Anyone who truly cares about you and actually has access to higher dimensional light energies and information will NEVER do anything that violates your free will nor will they ever try to control you. They will give you information, offer you guidance, and can lead you to a certain extent, but ultimately they will ALWAYS encourage you to discern information (including their own) for yourself. They will never do the work for you, and will not offer you a band-aid or a quick fix to your problems. If you want to become an empowered being you are the only person who can do that work for yourself. We can be your cheerleaders and guide you from a distance, but that's about all we can do. You already have all the answers to everything inside of you, and you need to learn to trust that. If you ever doubt yourself, let you heart lead, because then you will never go wrong.

I have no desire to have anyone blindly hand over their power to me, or just follow whatever I say. Everyone's mission in life is different and everyone has a different path and their own unique voice. While I can speak on behalf of my gender in terms of the general things that we all want as women like equality, to be respected and most importantly to live in a world that is safe for us, I have no intention of representing 3.5 billion people, nor should I ever be asked to. I think if anyone tries to put me in that position it just further illustrates how silenced our voices have been as women. Every single woman and girl on this planet has her own unique story, personality, and life and deserves to have her own platform to express that. At the end of the day I only represent myself.

One of the biggest problems under the patriarchy was how silenced our voices have been as women. I can't even stress enough how important it is for each and every woman to find an outlet for you to speak your truth. I would encourage each of you to start your own blog, create your own videos, or start your own women's rights groups. Trust me when I say that women and girls are the ONLY hope for the planet. We NEED each and every one of you to stand in your power and to NEVER apologize for it!

And don't let the cute and sweet exterior fool you, I may not weigh enough to donate blood, but there's enough internal rage inside my tiny body to completely annihilate the entire male population in a matter of minutes. However, I have been seeing more and more men step up and start supporting women, so maybe we'll let some of you stay ;)

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