(I am putting a trigger warning on this video, because of some of the graphic pictures of women after they've been abused.)
Plan's Because I am girl is addressing the issue of child marriage, and gathered a group of girl delegates from all over the world to become advocates to speak out against this practice. This is what two girls, one from Sierra Leone, and one from Pakistan had to say:
"This year, Maryam has brought a list of recommendations for her audience. She asks that girls be trusted and parents educated, she asks that the bitter realities of those marriages be openly discussed. She asks that we all join hands to allow those girls to dream and build hopes for their future. Early and forced marriage is a complex problem involving poverty and ignorance, health issues and violence...
Maryam and Fatmata‘s childish voices spoke up to say that they were ready to take on the task to convince entire communities that girls matter and that their education has the potential to seriously help relieve poverty. “What do you think will be the most difficult part?” I asked Maryam. “Convincing the girls themselves,” she said, “they have no awareness. But I will show them a photograph of the all the people who attended our session. I will tell them: ”look, we’re not alone anymore. You see these people? They care about us”."