The other day when I was on youtube listening to music, out of nowhere the above interview popped up. I definitely was not listening to anything like it, and I could tell right away it was something my star family wanted me to listen to. The woman who is being interviewed is also a lightworker who specializes in helping women heal so that they can attract their twin flame! In the interview she talks about the energy of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, which is perfect because it goes well with what I talked about in my last video.
She also talks about diet changes you can make to help with this process of attracting your twin flame, and she has a free ebook you can download if you sign up to receive updates from her website. I personally haven't had a real relationship in years, because my life has been devoted to this Ascension process and there is definitely nothing sexy about the type of energetic work that I do. As one of my favorite Ascension teachers says we're basically the "cosmic janitors" of the universe, cleaning up everyones shit. Yes this does come complete with actual dreams of us doing just that.
Anyways, I'm always up for finding new ways to help myself heal from everything so that then I can share it with other women and help them too! After listening to her interview I have made some positive diet changes, and added in some foods which are considered super important in the witch community and are used to help attract love, abundance, fertility, etc. I was also excited because when I went on her website the first thing I saw was the word "Aloha" and today I ended up going to our local farmers market and I bought a papaya that was randomly from Hawaii, even though everything else is from this area. However, this is a wonderful sign, because I started planning a much needed Hawaiian vacation. I guess that means I'm going to be there soon! If you want to check out her website its listed below.