I think one of the reasons women shy away from the title of feminist, is because we've been taught that if we stand up and fight for ourselves we will never have love, because no man on this planet would ever date us. How messed up is it that in order to have love you as a woman have to be completely disingenuine with who you are? How could that ever really be love? If you can't even speak your truth, without it possibly costing you everything.
When I became an angry feminist a number of years ago, I wasn't actually thinking nor caring too much about what any man thought of me. I had been burned too many times and experienced too much abuse and disrespect at their hands to care anymore. Having any man in my life became more of a burden than a blessing. I felt like they were holding me back. Given how many women are now becoming the breadwinners for their families, all the while most men are not stepping up and taking on more responsibility like they should, I feel that in general the majority of men have become an ever increasing burden to women and the planet. If they want to continue to have any woman in their lives, they're gonna have to step it up more and meet us with where we're at now, not where we were at in the 1950s. Part of what spurred me more towards becoming very vocal with how I was feeling, was contributed almost entirely to my illness. I'm still surprised most days that I'm alive, and I realized through that process that shoving down my feelings and not speaking my truth was killing me. I knew that as I became healthier I would never do that again, regardless of how others reacted. It's more important that I'm happy and healthy than it is for me to have a boyfriend.
The irony of all of this, is that I decided I was going to devote my entire life to helping women and girls achieve their dreams, and to fight for equality, thinking very well that it probably meant I wouldn't ever have a boyfriend again. However it turns out to be the opposite. Since stepping more and more into my power as a woman, I've not only found that I'm asked out as much as before if not more, but the quality of men has increased so much that being an angry feminist actually seems to be the key to attracting a compassionate, supportive, respectful man. In a lot of ways it makes sense. Now the guys who look down on women run from me, because they know they won't be able to pull that shit around me, and the men who respect me as a woman are drawn to me because when you stand in your power as a woman, you will attract men who are standing in their power as a man. Men were designed to hold the energy of the Divine Masculine which is the energy of love. Those men would naturally be attracted and want a woman who is in alignment with who she is. Women were designed to hold the energy of the Divine Feminine which is the energy of Source/Goddess/God type Power.
I tested this theory not too long ago. I was just really angry and over every man on this planet. I was in one of those moods in which I pretty much put a pair of scissors in my purse and was just going to cut off any penis that crossed my path. During my rage which lasted for about 36 hours, keep in mind I only went out a few times, this is what happened. I had two men go way out of their way to hold the door open for me. By that I mean one man was on the other side of the parking lot and when he saw me walking towards the door, he started sprinting at full speed to try to get there before me just so he could hold the door open for me. I also got free coffee at Starbucks. I should note that I was super polite and nice to the barista, just because you are in a bad mood doesn't give you the right to disrespect an employee. However, he decided I had waited too long to get my coffee (I waited the normal time to get my coffee) and decided that was completely unacceptable. So therefore I needed to just be given my coffee for free. My favorite thing that happened in those two days was that I got a five minute inspirational speech from the bag boy at Whole Foods about how beautiful and amazing I am! Overall this experiment was a success!
So I know every woman reading this is wondering what type of men I'm attracting now. Well just in the last week I've been randomly asked out by two guys. One who saw me at Whole Foods (seriously all my stories have to do with this store, because it's pretty much the ONLY place I go!) and approached me when I was going to my car. He told me I was beautiful and wanted to know if I had a boyfriend or wanted to go out sometime. This was during lunch time and a lot of the men in this area are business men and it was very clear that's what he was. He was dressed really well, was attractive and was super respectful towards me. I got a good feeling from him. The second guy was actually when I was going to the bank. This guy said hi to me when I was entering the bank, what I noticed about him was that he had a really friendly smile. When I left the bank a few minutes later he was still outside, and he came up to me and started talking to me. It turns out he was also a businessman who went to a few really good schools for education, was successful (indicated by his car!) and was really respectful towards me just like the other guy. I told both men that I had a boyfriend (even though I don't) just because I'm not sure if I want a relationship right now. When I told this guy that he said "Well he's very lucky." Which made me feel good, because I looked like a hot mess that day, and I'm surprised anyone would say something that nice to me on that day. In case that isn't enough proof for you, don't even get me started on this one man who's been in my life for a bit. He used to be in the NFL, but now spends all his time and energy saving animals. When he's not busy with that he likes to send me pictures of him holding tiny tiny puppies that he's just rescued (*ahem* some are shirtless). It's too much. I'm telling you ladies this is where it's at.
Anyways, overall what I've found over these years of my new found feminism, is that I seem to keep attracting wealthy men who want to just really take care of me, and have no problems at all with me just being really angry at them all the time. It's a perfect match! It's making me reconsider my original stance on never having a boyfriend ever again. How wonderful would that be to find someone who loves me exactly the way I am, because that is what love is suppose to be like :)