I remember a few years ago I read about a young woman in Poland who died after she was denied an abortion seeing that Poland is a predominantly Catholic country and doesn't allow abortions in any cases. As someone who was raised Super Catholic and went to Catholic school for many years and was going to become a nun it makes me very angry. What people probably don't know about the Catholic community is that the majority of Catholics are very liberal and open-minded. Most Catholic women as well as the Nuns are feminists and do a lot to help advance women's rights forward. The men in our community for the most part tend to be on our side, with the exception of some misogynistic assholes who use religion as an excuse to be that way. Keep in mind our entire religion revolves around worshipping a woman and a lot of our Saints are powerful badass women from history, so it does change the dynamics of the way women are seen and reminds everyone of how important we are. However, the Catholic church is the polar opposite of all of this. It's run by a group of evil corrupt greedy men who spend all their time and energy raping everyone from children to Nuns. The Nuns do not have any say in the hierarchy of the church and this is because the men know that the women would make sure all women have access to reproductive rights and the next story would've never happened.

"Thousands marched through Dublin in protest over archaic Irish abortion laws that led to the death of an Indian woman who asked to terminate her pregnancy, but was denied that right because of hospital’s “Catholic” beliefs.

Thirty-one-year-old Savita Halappanavar died on October 28, following severe pain and the likelihood of miscarriage at 17 weeks into her pregnancy. Savita reportedly came to a Galway hospital seeking an abortion several times, but was denied. Later, she had a miscarriage and died from septicemia, or blood poisoning.

According to her husband Praveen, she was denied abortion because Ireland is a “Catholic country”.

Savita was an Irish citizen of Indian origin and her death has sparked a wave of protests in Ireland, as well abroad."

This happens everyday all over the world, but we never hear the stories about these women and girls who die from not having access to reproductive rights. In this next story a 16 year old girl from the Dominican Republic another Catholic country was denied access to leukemia treatment, because they thought it might cause her to have an abortion. All abortions are illegal there. After international outcry she was allowed the treatment, but by then it was too late and she died.

"Diagnosed with acute leukemia, the girl was admitted to Semma Hospital in Santo Domingo, but had to wait some 20 days for treatment – doctors feared beginning aggressive chemotherapy as radiation could have aborted the pregnancy. Finally, they gave in Tuesday, public pressure increasing. Friday, the girl died.

The incident stirred controversy and heated discussion with the Catholic Church and the Dominican public. Given the strict abortion rules, Hernandez had to apply both to the doctors and the government for an exception to be made for her daughter."

This last link is to a group of Catholics who are trying to undue the massive amount of damage that the church is causing.

"Catholics for Choice (CFC) was founded in 1973 to serve as a voice for Catholics who believe that the Catholic tradition supports a woman’s moral and legal right to follow her conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health."

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