Easkey Britton surf en Iran- from marion poizeau on Vimeo.
Easkey Britton is an accomplished Irish surfer who recently became the first woman to surf in Iran! Now she wants to bring her love of surfing to cultures where women do not normally have the opportunity to enjoy the sport. As the article states:
"She found a website which promotes surfing for women in countries where they would have little opportunity to do so. It encourages women to make waves of change in their communities.
"There is a small surf culture in Bangladesh and India. Women and girls are learning to surf in the most extreme of conditions - such as in the Gaza Strip," said Easkey.
Now she would love to teach others in the Middle East.
"I especially want to teach in places where people do not normally have the opportunity to learn," she said."
In addition to all of this Easkey is also the first woman to ride the giant wave Aileens at the Cliffs of Moher in County Clare, and she is also the first Irish person to surf the Teahupoo waves in Tahiti. She is also documenting her experiences which is what the clip above is from.
*** (The website in which the article is taken from, is a wonderful site that does a lot to promote women's rights in this country and abroad, and works to create change. However, because of the topic of women's rights there are some graphic pictures on their site, so I just wanted to put a trigger warning on the above link.)