When higher dimensional light beings communicate with you, they love to do so through riddles. Usually these riddles will take you years to figure out, and will drive you come completely insane in the meantime. For awhile now I've been having these dreams in which I am part of the tv show Pretty Little Liars, and I am always trying to help them solve who A is. I totally thought this was just my brain messing with me, because I love that show and it's the exact type of show that I always envisioned I would work on when I was studying film/tv/media in college. I had another dream involving me being on this show last night, and today I went on a lightworker blog and one of the women said that she hopes that she will get to go to "The A Train" and just like that this mystery has been solved.
Over the next 3 days everyone on this planet is going to be split into three different groups/locations. Planet A is the ascending Earth which will exist in the 5th dimension, but we as humans are going to stay within our 3D bodies, Planet A/B is the planet that isn't ascending at this time, but it's for those who want to continue to have a 3D experience in a 3D world free from any sort of darkness and negativity. Planet B is the world that is descending and this is for all those who have blackened hearts from choosing to live a life based on violence, abuse, misogyny and fear. I personally have been perceiving these 3 planets for many years now, although I've given these 3 planets my own names over the years. Planet A I've always called Earth, because those of us going there or should I say staying here, because we're not actually moving everyone else is, nothing is really going to change for us. This planet is now ascending to the 5D. Planet A/B I've always called Earth Jr. because it looks exactly like Earth, the people there won't even consciously know they are no longer on this planet or that the next three days even took place, except it's 1/4 the size of Earth, and it's going to just be used as a temporary place for beings to exist over the next few thousand years, as they begin their own transition to becoming 5D beings. This is because not everyone is ready to ascend at this time, so they're being given plenty of time to do it at their own pace. Planet B, I've always called the Steel bowling ball planet, because that's what it looks like, and in more recent times I just started calling it the dude-bro/"men's rights" movement planet because the only beings who are going to be there are men who hate women. Which is great for them, because now they can spend all their time and energy passing anti-abortion laws without having to worry about us crazy feminazis getting all upset about it!!! The irony is that there won't actually be any women on that planet!
Anyways, so the reason I have been having these dreams about PLL is because my star family was trying to tell me that I'm going to planet A. In case you aren't familiar with the show, there's this mysterious person named A who is tormenting these girls, and they spend every episode trying to figure out who A is. The last episode they had was called "The A Train" ohhh connections!!! Why these higher dimensional light beings can't just directly give me this information is beyond me, I guess that would take all the fun out of watching me go crazy trying to figure it out! They've also told me that I will live on Earth, but like a lot of us starseeds will be teaching on Earth Jr. We will be the new guides and teachers to help them with their Ascension. For anyone freaking out about any of this, don't worry if your vibration is high enough to read my blog (I've been putting Ascension codes into it for years which means you've most likely been ascending this whole time!) you'll be going to Planet A or A/B whichever one you decide is up to you. If you are the type who enjoys helping others, and are ready to live in unity consciousness, you'll be encouraged to stay on Earth at this time. At the end of the day though this is an individual decision and everyone has to do what is best for them at this time. As for me I'm on the A train!!!!