This is one of the videos from the Pleasure, Passion, and Feminine Party that is being hosted by a bunch of life coaches and healers. I feel like the girl she talks about in her story is me. This has been such an exhausting journey, and all I've wanted is to get back everything that was taken from me, and sometimes I don't know if I have the energy or desire to continue on with this, but it seems like I keep fighting for it. Even though I've also spent a lot of time accepting that I might not ever get back everything that was taken from me, and on some level being okay with it, just because I'm too tired too care anymore. I think this lifetime more than any has taken such a huge toll on my soul, and I can't even begin to describe what it's been like to be here, and to see how much damage has been done to my planet. I've often thought that it's not possible for it to be repaired, and I've spent even more time wondering why I even bother. It seems like for whatever reason I can't seem to just walk away from all of this, so I guess today, tomorrow, and the next will be another day in which I soldier on.

If you want to learn more about the storyteller, her website is below!


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