*Trigger Warning on the above film*

 A film by Eve Ensler and Tony Stroebel One billion women violated is an atrocity. One billion women - and men -- dancing is a revolution.  One Billion Rising is a worldwide event that is scheduled on the 14th of Feb. to demand an end to violence against women and girls. Eve Ensler is the woman behind all of this, thank you so much for being an inspiration to us all!

"What she tapped into wasn’t the clinical truth of individual bodies but rather a broad body of evidence of an invisible, silenced epidemic of rape, assault, brutalization and hate that scarred women of every age, every race, every class, on every continent."

 I think one of the most inspiring parts about this revolution is to go onto their website and see all the groups that are participating. The list, which is under the "Look who's rising" section, is just endless, page after page, of women and girl's rights groups all over the world fighting for us. It makes me feel really good to see how supported we are. If you want to join one billion rising you can visit the website below. 

I loved this comment that had been left under the above video, and yes men we would LOVE to see you out there supporting us:

"I am a man and any man who abuses Women is a Wimp COWARD !!! Women this man tells you to rise up and do not ever let a man get his way with you. Get him back if you can."

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