I was driving around the other day having a complete emotional breakdown, due to all the current changes happening in my life, when I said to my star family "Just tell me what you want me to do?" At that point I came to a stop at a red light, and glanced over to the car on my right side. It was an older car, that had a bumper sticker that said "Quit your bitchin, start a revolution". At least the higher dimensional light beings have a sense of humor!
It's always such a delicate balance trying to manage my role in this larger production, and my everyday role as a young woman. When it comes down to it as far as my role goes now, in relation to the male population on this planet I am the executioner. My job is to make sure that every man who has even the slightest bit of misogyny in him is killed at this time, and permanently removed from this planet, so that he can serve out his debt to the universe, which won't be taking place here, but on the planet I keep calling the "dude-bro/men's rights movement" planet. I feel like it's a job that a lot of people wouldn't really understand, but I think it's the best job ever! I basically get to decide their punishments. This is why men you should ALWAYS be nice to every woman and person you meet, because you just never know if this is going to be the person who will change your life for the better or possibly for much worse. I do just keep reminding myself that everytime one of these men attack me verbally or energetically that they will be dead shortly, so I really shouldn't worry too much about them or even their so-called opinions of me.
Maybe, this is also why I've been spending a lot of time thinking about death, and what one leaves behind when they go. Did the person live their life in such a way that they've left everything even more beautiful than it was before they got there? Or did they leave behind a trail of destruction and death, and quite frankly everyone, even all the way up to God, is glad that they are gone and can no longer torment all those beings of light? It makes a lot of sense that I would be thinking about this a lot, everything in my life for most of my 20s has been all about death. Every single day, was either another day in which my illness might kill me, followed by this Ascension process might kill me, or something outside of all of this might lead to my death.
It's been showing up very strongly in my personal life as well. At the beginning of Jan. my dad had a heart attack, and was dead within a few weeks. During that time in the hospital, he was so incredibly violent that they had to keep him in a sedated twilight state so that he wouldn't hurt anyone, as well as keeping him completely strapped down to the bed. My biggest fear my whole life has been that my dad would kill my mom, and even in those few weeks of not really having any strength in him, he did manage to muster up enough to let her know that he wanted to kill her. Which basically kept me in a state of panic and exhaustion which was relieved when he finally died. 29 years worth of stress and of trying to get away from him, but him continuing to stalk and harass myself and my mom, up until he went into the hospital and they no longer allowed him access to a telephone. Said another way, he spent every single day of my life pre- and post-divorce calling my mom's house all day long, leaving message after message, after message, a lot angry. Just no longer having these phone calls is such a huge positive change.
That's how he chose to leave this Earth Plane, as someone who decided not to even create a will, just to screw over everyone even at the last moment, and in a state of violence, anger, and hate. He didn't die surrounded by loved ones, he died surrounded by a hospital staff that quite frankly was trying to speed up the process, because they were over dealing with his anger. I can't imagine wanting to leave like that, with everyone hating me, and my death is seen as a huge improvement for their lives. It reminds me of a fb post a friend put up a number of months ago after a male friend died. I clicked on it, and the first picture that comes up is of this young man in camo gear, with a bloody dead dear in front of him, proudly holding a gun, and displaying what he had done. I just thought Mother Earth must be so relieved, think of all the sweet and innocent deer that are going to live now, because of his death. A few weeks ago another friend posted about his male friend who had died and I clicked on it, to see a fb page that had a lot of degrading content towards women as well as some racist commentary towards members of his own race. I just thought "wow that's what he chooses to leave behind!" That's his homage for the world to see.
If there is one thing the rest of us can learn from all this death that is going to be surrounding us this year, almost all of whom will be members of the male population, it's that life is a gift to be valued, loved, and celebrated. It can be taken from you at any point, and if you are going to put out all of this destructive energy your whole life, it's going to come back to you eventually, and that time is now. What are you going to say when the universe asks you why you lived your life that way? Because anything you say is just going to be an excuse and the universe, like myself doesn't tolerate that, because there is no justification to destroy things that don't even belong to you. When you find yourself trapped in a box of your own created hell with no way to escape, what then, is it still going to have been worth it?
Spend everyday creating beauty and making someone's life better. Think of how your actions affect others, and ask what you can do to make their life brighter. Leave behind a legacy that won't die when your physical body departs, but one that through your love will be carried on by generations to come, because that is how in truth you achieve immortality.
***This was a message to me from my star family in regards to all of this, but I thought it would be nice to share.
"The most important thing is that you complete your soul mission. Don't worry about what they're up to or how they react, at the end of the day, just like in birth, in death, you are once again in this overall plan on your own. Don't let them derail you, and get you off track."