So every man who will ever stumble upon this post knows that there is something that we as women love to do. We love to bring up every single time that you have ever fucked up and then bring it up over and over and over again even years and years later. Now imagine what's going to happen now that the Patriarchy is over, and you have 3.5 billion women who are going to go over every single time you were rude or mean to us for the rest of your lives :) Because yes men, that's exactly where we're headed.
Let's start this post out with a list of all the horrible things that the male population chose to create under the Patriarchy, none of which existed under the Matriarchy that we had prior to giving the male population this gift that they clearly didn't appreciate.
List of evils men created and then blamed on women:
Rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, any and all other forms of sexual abuse
Domestic Violence - Child abuse
Human trafficking/Slavery throughout history (the idea people could be property)
Animal Abuse - Hunting for sport, killing animals for science/research
Environmental Abuse/All other forms of abuse against Mother Earth - especially the idea that you could own her, her land, control her, or that she somehow only existed for your pleasures and needs (wow! that sounds exactly like how the male population chose to treat women and girls as well!)
Misogyny, Racism, Homophobia, discrimination against those with disabilities, as well as all other forms of division between people because they don't fit the "status quo"
Poverty - Only men would think it's a great idea to allow children to starve to death
War - weapons of war, weapons in general (we did have spears for hunting for food, as well as for decoration/show under the Matriarchy, but not to just slaughter innocent people) this include nukes, guns, bombs, landmines, etc.
Genocide - in general as well as targeting specific ethnic groups and women and girls
Religion - in general as well as all other forms of spiritual abuse
Disease - all illnesses, STDS, HIV/AIDS (these ones stem from the degradation of female sexuality under the patriarchy and the imbalance that's caused), as well as Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. (insert every other dis ease we currently have in our society/world)
Maternal Mortality - no control or power over reproductive rights, needing to have outside help controlling our sexuality meaning birth control, abortion, etc. (Women were able to consciously create life only when we wanted to prior to the patriarchy and thus didn't need any forms of birth control.)
Competition versus Cooperation - Modern day sports/sports culture/Masculinity/Survival of the fittest mentality
Degradation of the Arts - being made illegal/unimportance/or lack of access to artistic talents and endeavours (creativity/creation is all energy that comes from the feminine)
Unhealthy food/Unclean drinking water/Dioxins - AKA lets drug the American population with fluoride via their drinking water so that it will be easier to control all of them, because we as men are terrified of living in a society in which people are actually empowered!
There's more, but this is a good list to get us started!
In case you don't believe me, all you need to do is to look to the few remaining Matriarchies left on this planet they don't even have words for rape or war, do you know why? Because those things don't exist! Or you can wait until women step fully into our power and we create the world we want, because then you will live underneath the evidence of it every single day. We would NEVER allow all this horrible stuff to exist and soon you all will see that! Then none of you will ever be able to blame us for anything ever again, because it will be very clear to all of you that we had nothing to do with this, and you guys will finally be forced to take responsiblity for your own actions and those of your gender.
Probably the most important point in all of this, is that every single problem on this planet stems from the imbalance of power between men and women, and the complete degradation/destruction of the feminine and all those life forms that represent that under this male reign of terror. The solution to ending all of this is for everyone to be focusing all their time, energy, and resources on women and girls, and their empowerment and healing. As well as for the male population to give up their male entitlement/male superiority/male privilege for the greater good of all!
** (Since some men will probably say "but sometimes women participated in this." Sure, but you guys allowed us to. You were responsible for EVERYONE under the patriarchy and EVERYONE'S actions, you could've easily eliminated any of these things at any point and not allowed anyone to propagate them. You had that power, but instead just chose to place all the blame and responsibility onto women, even though we weren't the ones in charge! On a karmic level you guys as men your entire collective will be held responsible for all of this, and you will be paying this off for many many lifetimes to come :)