Everyone from feminist circles, as well as now the mainstream media has been talking a lot about the gang-rape of a 16 year old girl in Steubenville. I think when there is so much media attention it can be very detrimental to the victim, especially since mainstream media functions largely on blaming women and girls for violence against us, with little to no discussion on male responsibility. The men and boys in these cases are always seen as the victim, while the woman or girl clearly did something to cause all of this. Every woman on this planet is so brave, powerful, and strong for surviving as much abuse and trauma as we have. We have so much to be proud of, and I'm really happy that now that we're entering this new Matriarchal age every woman and girl will finally receive all this amazing, beautiful, positive energy (and world!) that we've created for ourselves.
As far as the male population goes, I would recommend reading the article below. I will also say this right now to the male population. You guys were and are responsible for everything that took place under the Patriarchy, that was the whole point, that your collective would be given this huge responsibility of being in charge of an entire planet. You guys willingly accepted it, knowing full well that eventually there would be consequences to your actions and choices, if you broke any Universal Laws. Needless to say, given your complete lack and total disregard for the beings on this planet you amounted a huge debt for yourselves. In terms of your massive massive debt you guys now owe to the universe, the universe does not distinguish between men who are rapists and men who have stood around their whole lives and allowed (therefore enabled) the members of their gender to behave this way. Through their inaction the men in the second group are an accessory to rape. The universe sees both as equally guilty and will hold both groups of men equally accountable. Do you guys know how you pay off debt? You pay it off by going through everything you put the victim (women) through, except it's much worse, and you go through it for much longer.
"But it's not just about the silence of victims, or about the survivors who don't report, or about a justice system that leaves tens of thousands of untested rape kits to collect dust in warehouses. It's about the silence of people who see someone being taken advantage of and say nothing. It's about the people who listen to rape jokes and say nothing. It's about the people who learn about a rape and work quickly to protect the perpetrators instead of the victims - something that allegedly occurred in the Steubenville case (Mays sent text messages indicating that Coach Reno Saccoccia would "take care of it," and "was joking about it" with Mays). It's about the silence of communities, of the people who know that a rape has occurred and who say nothing."
Now here's a few ideas how you as a man can help stop rape culture. The first petition was created by a man in regards to news coverage that placed the blame on the victim, and turned everything around to make it sound like these rapists boys are the ones we should all feel sorry for. The second petition was created by a college football player and a feminist. Just showing up as men and letting women know you support us, are on our side, and will hold the members of your gender responsible for their actions is huge. It's something every woman needs to hear, so she knows there's at least a few men she can believe in!
The last link is to a website that is trying to get a million men to pledge to end violence against women and girls.
"Men from Dehli to Dallas are standing with women to say no to violence. With men as leaders and allies, we can reach a global tipping point on the issue of our time. Be the generation that makes the world safer for all."
***And after all this reading/signing/changing if you would like to learn how intimate relationships are going to function under this new Matriarchal age we're entering, I just wrote a blog on that over at my other site!