So ladies, you know when you go out with all your girlfriends and all you want is to have a super fun night at a club and dance and get drunk without being bothered, and than of course some guy just has to ruin your night. I think my favorite is always when you go up to the bar to get a drink, and some guy approaches you, talks to you for about 30 seconds, asks you for your phone number, and when you refuse he calls you a "fucking bitch" and than walks away. I was watching a show the other day in which women who are a bit more voluptuous talked about this, and they said that when this happens to them they're called a "fucking fat ugly bitch" before the man walks away. And men wonder why we don't really like any of you. What's not to love?

  So I was inspired by this website called Everyday Sexism, in which women can post sexist things that have been done or said to them, to start a new category on my blog in which I talk about this. I have found some really great articles about this topic that I'm excited to share! If you want to check out the site the addy is below!


First up is a new twitter hastag that was started to address the ridiculous news headlines about women. After I discovered this I was so excited to write my own headlines that I spent most of the night unable to sleep, because I was having too much fun coming up with them. If you are bored at work I would strongly recommend doing this, because at least it's really funny. Mine are at the bottom under the link, and this list will probably grow a lot over the next few weeks.

"Mulling over the constant presence of misogyny in media headlines, @Kateharding and @SweetMachine conconcluded "we need a hastag" and before you know it, and right on the heels of #safetytipsforladies, another trending Twitter topic to "invent more provocative questions about an entire gender" was born."

Some of the best #edgyheadlines:

1)@KateHarding: ICYMI Are men fit to lead? Can men have it all? Are men too competitive with each other? Are men their own worst enemies? #edgyheadlines

2)@Alyson Miers: How Men's Liberation is Making Men Unhappy #edgyheadlines

3)@Jessica Valenti: Boys Gone Bad: Are a new generation of male celebs turning boys into 'prostitots'?#edgyheadlines (Actual headline: http://feministing.com/2007/02/05/girls_gone_draft/)

4)@Alyson Miers: The SHE-CESSION: How men's expanison in the workforce is taking jobs from women. #edgyheadlines

Read more at:


***I'm not gonna lie, some of these news headlines might actually make for a few REALLY good informative articles to help men improve themselves! Here we go:

Male celebrity gains 10lbs, turns out he's NOT pregnant, just fat!

Is your penis too small? (take our quiz and find out!)

How men drive their women to cheat!

10 reasons women resent their husbands

When men don't keep their women satisfied in the bedroom, women are forced to get it from somewhere else

She hasn't proposed to you yet, what you're doing wrong

10 things women hate about men

10 signs she's going to propose, are you ready? 

10 things that men shouldn't wear to the office to make sure that they aren't mistaken for prostitutes!

Outfits men wear to the office which ensure that they will not be taken seriously!

Make sure your son is not dressing like a slut, what not to buy him when going back to school shopping!

New study finds: Men are ACTUALLY the problem! 

Presidential hopeful spends millions on hair and make-up artist, but will it be enough for him to get elected? 

Men react to hurt feelings with massive expensive unnecessary war, are men too emotional to be leaders????

Men with bigger penises are sexually harassed more than men with smaller penises, what you can do to cover that junk!

The message your son's clothing is sending to his peers, what to do to make sure that women and girls aren't getting the wrong impression of him. 

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