When I stated that one woman standing in her power is equivalent to about 10,000 men standing in theirs, I wasn't joking. This story I'm about to share shows how powerful a woman's voice is. Ultra Violet, a women's rights group, had this to say:  

"Something amazing is happening in Texas. And Wendy Davis is a national hero.
Yesterday morning, Senator Wendy Davis, a Fort Worth Democrat, launched a herculean effort to block one of the most restrictive anti-abortion bills in the country bill from becoming law. She filibustered the bill by speaking on the Senate floor for nearly 12 hours to delay the vote until after the special session closed-she couldn't break for food, water, or even to use the bathroom. And she succeeded! The bill has been tabled for now. When a champion like Sen. Davis stands up for women-especially in a state as hostile to women's health as Texas-we need to stand up for her too. Can you sign  on to our thank you card to Sen. Davis?" 

They also included the above image in their email and the below link so that you too can sign a card thanking her for standing up and fighting for us. I also did some research about her and she's a woman who went from being a teen mom to a Harvard graduate! Okay ladies that's totally your daily dose of inspiration, now go out and do something remarkable so that I can write about it!! :) 

***I know this is kinda off topic, but I was having a super emotional day today and was in the midst of a complete breakdown when I walked out of a store in which I was running some errands at, to see a car that looks exactly like the car on my blog except it was orange. Yes Orange! Usually spirit communicates to people through leaving feathers or coins, to let them know that they are loved and supported, in my case lately spirit has been showing up very strongly through these specific types of cars. It turns out the car is from Nevada, Vegas anyone? I was so shocked at seeing it parked right next to me that I just stood there and stared for at least 10 minutes and it definitely helped turn my day around. I have also seen that same car now in the downtown area a few times, parked next to another one that looks exactly like it but is a darker blue with a white top. I'm hoping this means that my blog is going to be showing up very strongly in people's lives within the coming months. With that being said I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has visited my blog. I hope that my journey towards finding my voice and embodying my own strength has had as big of an impact on you as it has on me :)  

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