Lately I've been thinking about who I would be if I were to ever come back here in another lifetime, and I feel like I would totally come back as a cool rocker chick. The closet thing that I've gotten to this in this lifetime is that I was forced to take singing lessons from the time I was in middle school. Opera singers tend to run in my family and my dad decided that I would become that too. I honestly always hated singing especially in front of people, because I thought it was so terrifying. There's a reason I gravitated towards dance and gymnastics, which allowed me to express myself through my body, without having to talk or just stand up on stage in front of a bunch of people.

My vocal coach would require us to have a recital every few months at one of the local convalescent homes. For some reason she loved to make us sing songs from the Disney movies, and I'm telling everyone right now, you have not lived until you've seen me singing Reflection by Christina Aguilera  in front of a large crowd of senior citizens. They totally loved it too!!! As far as my singing career goes I was in choir for most of middle school, all of high school, and I even took a choir class in college, but ultimately I was never really that passionate about singing and had no desire to go anywhere near Opera. I guess I was lucky in the sense that I seem to have won the genetic vocal cord lottery and could've pursued that path if I had wanted to put in the effort, but ultimately if your not passionate about something I don't think you could ever really be that good at it. Maybe in my next lifetime!!!

Luckily, there's all these girls everywhere who are super passionate about music, and are finally being spotlighted and supported. The above clip is from a series on Vevo which spotlights five young women from across the U. S. who are instrumental phenoms. The clip below is a trailer from the film Girls Rock! which is a documentary that spotlights a camp that is devoted to helping girls build self-esteem through music.

"The Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, builds girls' self-esteem through music creation and performance. Providing workshops and technical training, we create leadership opportunities, cultivate a supportive community of peers and mentors, and encourage social change and the development of life skills."

I first saw this documentary many years ago, and at that time the camp only seemed to have a few locations, and I don't think many people had heard about it. But my how it has grown! Now they not only have many camps across the U.S., but they've also gone global! It's amazing how much progress has been made in terms of women and girl's rights in such a short amount of time. This is only going to get bigger!

Link to their main site:

Link to their site for their global camps. I would definitely watch the video about their camps worldwide!

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